O”Biden’s General: Milley’s Russian and China collusion

  • Remember how a year ago an American general meeting with a Russian was somehow a great scandal


General Flynn would’ve gone to prison if Trump had not pardoned him… for a much more innocent contact with the Russian ambassador…and, it was part of Flynn’s job as National Security advisor

From BizpacReview article:

In a meet-up in Helsinki, Finland, today, U.S. Army Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, engaged in what’s being characterized as a confidential, six-hour discussion with his military Russian counterpart.

“It was a productive meeting. When military leaders of great powers communicate, the world is a safer place,” Gen. Milley reportedly remarked after the session.

An prolocutor for critical race theory fan Milley, the latter who has admitted to being an avid reader of the works of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, and Mao Zedong, implied that there is nothing to see here.

The article above refers to Milley’s contact with Chinese military leadership and also quotes General Milley as saying in 2015 (bold our emphasis)  that: “China is not an enemy” and that Russia is America’s only true threat”  (ed. note: no doubt due to the Russian flu they sent world-wide).

All of which must have inspired the rumor we heard:

The Chairman was just trying to assure Xi Jin Ping that, even though Trump didn’t like Chinese, Milley himself had no “yellow rage” and he would let China know if US was planning an attack…to give them time to launch a “pre-emptive” strike.

“It’s what friends do”, Milley explained.

“Amen !”, said the devout Joe Biden                                  dlh
From Uk’s Daily Mail:

Biden says he has ‘great confidence’ in Joint Chiefs chairman Milley despite him admitting he DID call China and lectured staff on nukes protocol: Trump’s defense secretary says he ‘did not’ authorize calls and general should resign

  • President Joe Biden said he has ‘great confidence’ in General Mark Milley after he admitted to holding calls with his Chinese counterpart working under Trump
  • Press Secretary Jen Psaki called Milley a ‘patriot’ when defending him
  • She said Biden has ‘complete confidence’ in Milley’s ‘fidelity to our Constitution’
  • Former Acting Pentagon chief said he ‘would never’ authorize the ‘secret’ calls
  • General Mark Milley confirmed the phone calls took place in a Wednesday statement via his spokesman Colonel Dave Butler
  • A new book claims Milley phoned his Chinese counterpart to give reassurances two days after the January 6 Capitol riot
  • Trump accused him of treason and Republicans are demanding he resign
  • The book’s revelations triggered a wave of concern that Milley had violated the chain of command and endangered national security
  • Milley was concerned Trump may take rogue action to stay in office
  • All of the above was detailed in ‘Peril’, an upcoming book about the 2020 presidential election by journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa


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