Monthly Archives: June 2012

Summation of SCOTUS Obamacare Decision

They Can’t Make You Buy Broccoli, But They Can Tax  You If You Don’t  Coming this weekend, a collection of links, summations and comments regarding the most important Supreme Court Decision in 39 years.  Differing perspectives, the constitutional and the … Continue reading

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Stick This In Your Ear QCT and D-A

Most of the “mainstream media” reports today involve the SCOTUS decision regarding Arizona’s immigration law.  Not receiving much attention was this ruling also handed down today.  The QC Times and the Dispatch – Argus (DA) regularly feature criticism of  the … Continue reading

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Refuting the Gospel of Marx

Gary Bauer Chairman of the Campaign for Working Families provides a compelling introduction to the  Institute for Faith, Work & Economics.  We are pleased to add its Website as a new link in our esteemed Blogroll, located at right. Dealing … Continue reading

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Roving Reporter – Davenport Romney Event Brings Republicans Together

Here a Veritas roving reporter “feels the love” and reflects the contagion.   The notion that Mitt Romney cannot excite the Republican base in a swing state like Iowa is wishful thinking from the likes of MSNBC.  It’s a lame … Continue reading

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Curley Effect — It Involves Stooges — Obama’s Wealth Destroying Goal

Not these three,  instead something sinister Mark Hendrickson, Contributor, Forbes writes: President Obama’s Wealth Destroying Goal: Taking The ‘Curley Effect’ Nationwide Detroit It’s hard to think of anything more perverse in American politics than the Curley effect. The Curley effect … Continue reading

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Notes from the Liberal Zone: Reading the QC Times

Note to Human Resurces Department —  Crank may be putting in for hazardous duty  . .  reading the QC Times  raises one’s blood pressure. Maybe, as a reluctant reader of the QC Times, I could be wrong, but I think … Continue reading

Posted in CRANK'S CORNER, MEDIA BIAS | 1 Comment

Republican State Convention

We were there — in the trenches for you. And soon  to these pages  — we will bring the trenchant to you. 00

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QC Times Game Plan Exposed

The editorial board of the QC Times should be comfortably seated somewhere in a rubber room with no sharp objects with which they could hurt themselves and be required to read this column by Victor Davis Hanson. It dramatically describes … Continue reading

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The Most Corrupt Justice Department in U.S. History

Clarice Feldman’s latest column in American Thinker   . . .  is a  searing indictment, I believe,  and so to will anyone who objectively reads her column.  We have the absolute most corrupt Justice Dept. in US history. More important for … Continue reading

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Vote Steve Scheffler for Republican National Committeeman

First of all I want to emphasize that as a participant observer of the battle for the soul of the Iowa Republican Party for at least 35 years, no greater level of gratitude is owed by movement conservatives and religious … Continue reading

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