Voting for Trump, the alternative for the right to life is too horrible

Regarding Melania– the book jacket is as stark and cold as the insides

This election presents troubling but still crucial differences for the pro-life cause (they are as black and white as Melania’s book cover).  The way Donald Trump has treated the issue of late means right to life  voters need to relate more to voting for political party dominance than being wound up in presidential proclivities. That is as it should be.

But the 2024 presidential choices are crucial and essentially binary as a chasm remains on important matters between Trump and Harris along with the Republican Party and Democrats. The differences in both binaries remain compelling for pro-lifers.

That said, it is still important to make admissions about Trump to maintain the integrity of the cause. And that means being critical of him and now his wife who has perhaps made the most egregious anti-right-to-life statement regarding abortion of any First Lady or prospective First Lady in my decades of observation. Even Hillary Clinton arguably fudged the issue better.

The independent worth of human beings in utero, a stage of human life we all went through, does not figure into Melania Trump’s view of the matter of the right to life of the unborn — only the autonomy of the woman and never mind that half the babies killed are female. Relying on  book excerpts regarding her absolutist philosophy as regards the inherent  “right” of a woman to end her pregnancy at any stage,  the life of the unborn child she carries is not controlling or modifying. She does not specify any appropriate legal distinction.

So the record is safe with Melania, we have never had a Republican pro-life First Lady. Indeed she has set herself as being as bad in principle as any Democrat First Lady. And to think I once thought maybe she was keeping Donald in line on the matter. What a fool I can be in desperation to avoid the utter evil of Democrats. At least Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush and Laura Bush stifled themselves as a matter of political timing and I do not recall that any of them made such a staggering (as reported about Melania) absolute statement about ones responsibility to the life a woman carries. It is now apparent that my allowing for the few accoutrements of Catholicism Melania displayed early on in Trump’s term as perhaps indicative of something positive was as ridiculous as others allowing it for Joe Biden.

According to reports (we have not seen her book) the formally sphinx-like Melania has gone all chatty-cathy and can’t be stark enough in her position alleging her and every woman’s absolute autonomy as regards abortion. God’s will is irrelevant, human will is everything. Never mind the symbiosis of mother and child or the importance to every successful human culture of the elevation of the bond of protection by mothers to their offspring. When that is lost, all is lost.

Quite the Catholic/ Christian theorist Melania turns out to be. For her the unborn are a disposable entity and that belly-button (and a lot more) she was so proud to display at the drop of however many dollars is meaningless to her, or she does not have the depth to contemplate it.  No Biblical or cultural or democratically established legal framework should allow protection of the unborn human being’s autonomy if their presence in any way conflicts with her chosen or revised autonomy. Apparently they are to be considered invaders, non-innocent, disposable.  Or you can consider them children but you still get to dispose off them if they reside in utero. Autonomy is absolute.  At least illegal immigrants are to be provided  orderly, timely, presumably still life-affirming deportation (in the case of the unborn referred to as birth).

Melania Trump’s two demential orientation explains a lot about her demeanor. But we are not voting for her.

The moral and philosophical depth of the former President (and given the alternative, we  hope future) and his spouse on the matter of abortion ranges from seat of the pants, to manipulation, to capitulation, to do the right thing (although DJT didn’t really personally pick the SCOTUS nominees), to fear and loathing, to abortion sympathy, to protecting some babies and the ability to protect more, to advocacy for one seriously warped philosophical view now put in print by Melania.

One more thought as regards the latter, if bodily autonomy as regards parenthood is Melania’s conceptual framework then her book should contain a paragraph or two on why men should not have to pay child support if they do not want to. Certainly the fruits of their current and future labors are confiscated by law for 18 years at a minimum. What is the scalar or even conceptual difference, other than men do not get to legally kill their kids as a matter of autonomy? Well they used to, it was called paterfamilias, we just are now substituting materfamilias abandoning the Christian teaching of the unique worth (and protect-ability) of every human being, –autonomy for all not just the dominant.

Oh well, DJT is our guy, and he really must be because the choice is essentially binary and he has good (we assume solid) positions on other important matters without getting into a discussion of the scale with regard to the right to life but definitively as regards the ability of the republic to survive. And the Democrats are just utterly dependably evil — far beyond Trump’s apostasies, inconsistencies, insincerities, stupidity, superficialities, volatility and incoherencies. But let’s not be naive. Those are arguably Trump’s good features in the scheme of things as they at least intermittently, arguably predominantly, work in support of culture and the ability to redress grievances. Democrats are methodically anti-culture, essentially Marxist.

I fear (but have hope to the contrary) that what we are seeing on the issue from Trump may be more substantive than political winks and nods, game playing, get through the election maneuverings on what they consider a handicapping position on the right to life. Trump has so aggravated the issue by being so inarticulate or worse I can believe he was never with us, he just picked some pro-life people to ride with him. All credit to them, not so much Trump. Regrettably the coincidence of pro-life people in his administration in the past can now be seen as expendable for the greater cause of Donald Trump. He hires on whims and fires as needed, it is his way. So the big question becomes who is going to have his ear?

We should push back on Trump’s unnecessary personal and political stupidity and abandonment of those that helped bring him. Pro-lifers voted for him in the various primaries because he talked the talk and surrounded himself with genuine pro-life personages. He read the room. Trump would have placed much more distant in Iowa and subsequent early states in 2016 had he advocated for no federal laws to protect the unborn and excoriated state laws as he has done.

Certainly Trump was not unique on the immigration issue and border security or America first.   In a very crowded field in 2016 the showman’s bombast seemed refreshing and “real” (not all proved real) and attracted media and a very fed up majority of TEA Party folks that came to dominate the Party. Something that predated Trump.

The media buoyed him early on for their own insincere purposes presuming he would be easily destroyed by Hillary. They did not underestimate Trump, as he was often his own worst enemy, they underestimated the strength of TEA party like sentiments outside the Republican Party after the nomination and the disdain for Hillary by men and women.

Trump decided he needed to be “pro-life” and up to 2020 as far as people knew he kept his word on justices (Roe had not been overturned by 2020) and demonstrably on executive policy. However Barrett and Kavanaugh are not prizes of the caliber of Thomas or Alito who the Bush presidencies brought. On that basis alone Trump is arguably not the most pro-life president as both have been problematic on other key constitutional matters including government influence over the internet, corrupting the availability to promulgate our message.

Certainly Ronald Reagan was far more articulate and insightful. And previous Republican presidents had a less socially conservative Republican Party to deal with. But again so as to be abundantly clear a Republican as president now, for a variety of reasons, will be vastly superior to a Democrat for the right to life /pro-life cause.

Trump’s most recent repeated “promise”  essentially to veto any federal effort to protect unborn human life if it portends to disallow elective abortions (he has managed to forget or make his 20 weeks concept murky in spite of the platform) is really a conceptual piece of work from this “most pro-life president ever”. He couldn’t formulate a more artful political statement than that? Maybe it is just a gratuitous statement to an unlikely possibility (in no small part thanks to him). But so much of what he says on the issue is ignorant, oblivious, insulting to his allies and wrong (but not always). Trump made his veto statement in spite of “his’ gobbled-gook platform plank which declares that the 14th Amendment (an imposition on the states) guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process in the United States.

Trump remains fearful and shallow on the issue and constitutionally ignorant. He wanted to keep the issue totally out of the 2024 platform having previously run with, even if not exactly ON a pro-life platform (not merely a states rights platform), winning in 2016 and arguably in 2020. He could have uncomplicated social-conservative and pro-life support by allowing more input and positive pro-life / pro-family planks and maintain whatever demurral he felt necessary. His shallowness and even obtusness is evidenced by HIS 2024 platform (previous platforms were genuinely democratic) where he invokes the 14th amendment to sustain a state’s rights view. It is incredibly goofy.

Accordingly pro-lifers shouldn’t act like the Amen Corner as regards Trump. We need to have the Party and the Congress. Trump’s supposed position on federal money for abortion (he says he still  opposes it oblivious to what he proposes as regards IVF) really does not matter as much if Congress does not appropriate it anyway. Nor does his position championing IVF if Congress does not pay for it although too many Republicans appear to be on board.

In that regard we must not be silent that as IVF is practiced it is essentially a process of create-inspect-and selectively destroy new human life as if we are demi-gods and prospective parents are entitled to use whatever means they want to obtain parenthood and the supposedly perfect child while abandoning or destroy the others.

The history of this human epoch is being written in terms of biology and the cultural transmission of biomedical ethics. Pro-life may be just on hold with Trump, but with him we can pray we are on a slower track to inculcation of abortion and the diminution of life in utero or however conceived. Trump’s latest personal position in essence advocating for the legality of most abortions at the federal level and gratuitously personally opposing efforts to limit most of them at the state level through his statements that this or that limit is “too far” give cause for worry about him. It gives cause to oppose his protégé Vance in 2028 for being such a dishrag however ambitious. He has done his record, the cause and his faith wrong with his statements and formulations. He is less discombobulated as a speaker than Trump.

But, and I cannot emphasize it enough, we know where the Democrats are coming from and they must be opposed. The Democrats are the Party of Abortion. It is their third rail and imbues everything they do, domestically and in foreign policy. Trump is not that.

In summation as regards pro-lifers criticizing the Trumps — Donald and Melania deserve it on the matter of the autonomous right to life for all human beings not just women. The right exists for all and from the very beginning, at the spark of each unique new human life. How politically practical it is to obtain it in the short term is a proper question but the abandonment and criticism of the idea and its adherents is weak and unnecessary.

Trump is fearful of pro-abortion sentiment (misreading saliency and accuracy of polls — the bias of the questions and the respondents chosen). He should be fearful of pro-life sentiment aggravated by his boneheaded statements. But it is what it is and Trump is who he is. It is fine for now to use him to get the superior results we need. That is the extent of my support because there are other American Presidents and citizens to admire more for courage and articulation and devotion to important values. His resiliency was remarkable two months ago after Butler but not sanctifying and pro-lifers should not assume him protected by God in all he says and does.

As of today Trump in essence says he opposes any serious curtailment of legal abortion even at the state level, the latter at least personally. And the sad thing is Trump and his pathetic apparat expect us to uncritically support him no matter what he says or however many times he says one thing and then something contradictory, or insults us.

My four main points are intended to be — Integrity demands we should be critical of Trump (while we absolutely need to be critical of Democrats’ utter evil, that they ought to be anathema). Secondly we should not give all the oxygen to Trump and put all our eggs in his basket but take the initiative for the independence and critical importance of a conservative Republican Party and Congress. Thirdly, do not absolutely trust Trump one statement to the next — press and verify. And fourthly, yes vote for him and encourage others to do so as the alternative is incompatible with the survival of the republic (a matter of Democrats being so bad, not Trump being so good).

Further, Trump is not a Biblical character protected by the hand of God anymore than other presidential aspirants, in the last hundred and sixty years anyway. And by the way, vote in person even if a (very) few days early at a satellite location as security and integrity is far superior in that mode than the fraud enabling atrocity of vote by mail — referencing another Trumpian mixed-message flip-flop against interests.

Related links (to be supplemented


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Lack of commentary here at V’PAC


Some may ask why the dearth of articles of late on this site, or, having stumbled onto the site concluded it is inactive.  Well we fancy ourselves an “influencer” dedicated to keeping the Republican Party conservative. There are more ways than one to skin a cat and we have concentrated of late on reader commentary submitted to popular conservative web sites.

Unfortunately OPBs (other people’s blogs) have content limitations, — including disallowing embedded pictures or other graphics and videos.  Formatting and length limitations usually pertain. And they are subject to someone else’s censorship. Much of the same is true of social media sites, which we have never been much into anyway. That said  this site has been neglected. People will be voting in Iowa shortly and there are some things that bear commenting on. We intend to be better at posting here.

Now we know we are not very influential and could do a better job of not only editing but promoting. But all of that takes time and this is a part-time vocation we have to attend to around our work and other responsibilities.   And serious promoting takes money although skilled marketers  can go a long way. As for our content we are painfully aware it usually takes more effort to be succinct.

Perhaps the most this will ever be is a bit of a political diary. But it could also be for others supportive of our purposes who have a commentary in their heads that would benefit from a web site format that allows a more complete presentation than available on some social media platforms.  So we invite stand alone submissions and comments to our posts including appropriate graphics.

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Did God suddenly see a problem and take charge in Butler?

  • Donald Trump – God’s special protectee?

This is an exegesis of the subsequent  emotion – karma – chi –  halo – radiance applied to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.  It is not in any way to deny God’s answering of our prayers for Donald Trump’s safety — faith makes that happen. It is about the improper extrapolation that when the desired outcome ensues, a special aura or anointing somehow applies to the beneficiary as well. This is a critique of those who should know better, or explain themselves better.

Many believing conservative commentators including pastors in an emotional but theologically ill-considered response to the assassination attempt on Donald Trump have portrayed that he survived the attack as a result of the hand of God diverting the bullet aimed at him. That Donald Trump is a special protectee. The sentiment seemed quite prevalent at the Milwaukee Republican convention just days after the murderous attempt. Also see here.

The Milwaukee RNC convention played out by understandably lionizing Trump for his demeanor when he was shot in Butler County Pennsylvania. A minor irony  is that the assassination attempt on former Republican President Teddy Roosevelt (TR) was in Milwaukee. He was running as a third-party candidate when he did not get the GOP nomination having been President once, doing what Trump implied he might do if he did not get the nomination. He was there to make a campaign speech. His demeanor after being shot was as manly as I can imagine.  Had it been me I probably would have been sucking my thumb on a stretcher. Anyway, TR’s hit was arguably more ~~ definitive, as it was full on in the chest “center mass”. However the bullet was inhibited by an eyeglass case and 50 page manuscript folded in half. The 38 cal. pistol round penetrated into TR’s chest but did not reach his lung. The pocket paraphernalia and or God saving his life.

The bullet was never removed because of the danger. TR carried the bullet the rest of his life and lost the election anyway. The sympathy vote apparently not overwhelmingly helpful, to a third-party effort anyway —

So was Trump’s avoidance of death a “miracle” and TR’s not? Or were they both, that, along with all the other “ineffective” shots made at Presidents?

People carry stuff in their vests and trained snipers know that people turn or bob their head to a degree virtually every second while giving speeches. Then again personages targeted may wear ballistic vests and perhaps the murderer anticipated that and aimed accordingly. We do not know how truly studied the killer was but the “God thing” is impossible to know thoroughly by us mere mortals and to conclude anything in this particular case, in my judgement, problematic theologically.

God’s hand is sovereign everywhere while forbidding but permissive of our evil ways, and just maybe allows chance to happen within his domain. The “God’s hand” stuff is a theological tautology unless one is trying to make Trump into a biblical character and my best guess is he is not. There are a bit too many policy deficiencies and problematic articulations by him in my judgement (short as I am of a direct line to God).

And for me one question arising from the TR assassination attempt as regards God’s hands —  for what reason was God more protective of people around Teddy Roosevelt but not Donald Trump? No one else was injured in the attempt on TR’s life. True, people were able to spring into action as regards TR’s attempted assassin, preventing more. But why was a good man removed from his family and two others injured for God to make a point about DJT special protections?  God can’t make a point about the comparative worth of Trump as a better leader compared to a Democrat some other way? And if I am judging God then how is saying He deflected the bullet not?

The same dilemma is suggested by the assassination attempt on the other Roosevelt, TR’s cousin FDR. An attempt was made on his life in 1933 in Miami, also by a pistol but with multiple shots fired. FDR was physically unscathed but Chicago Mayor Anton Cermak was hit and that bullet arguably led to Cermak death as he was shot in the abdomen while perhaps already a victim of disease. Others were also hit in the melee produced by the gunman although their injuries were not life-threatening. The bullet that may have led to Cermak’s death found him after the pistol was deflected by a woman with a purse standing nearby. Did God decide that it was necessary to sacrifice Cermak to make a point about FDR??

Biden was and is so out out of it with advancing dementia that any likely RNC designee would also likely defeat him, (his retirement had not been announced at the time of the assassination attempt on Trump and arguably Trump’s survival sped it up but especially because of Trump’s dumbfounding decision to debate Biden and expose Biden’s vulnerability prematurely). So from this an arguable political estimation is that Trump was not unique to GOP chances, a remarkable candidate yes, maybe superior in some ways,* not in others* but his running is not the only possible scenario to the defeat of the evil ones. The miracle thing just doesn’t add up.

Yet the vibe extensively out there in the conservative commentariat and a number of Bible championing religious leaders before and especially after the attempt on Trump’s life is that God is directing Trump and especially that God is protecting him. It seems too overbearing to me, although likely triggered this month by the emotion of grateful relief at the avoidance of great national trauma to our cause. Though that said, I agree that the devil sure seems to be directing the Democrats.

To the extent of the two candidates’, Teddy Roosevelt’s and Donald Trump’s reaction to the attempts — I won’t argue head shot vs chest shot – but TR’s responses were definitely as ‘bad ass”as they come. He had the presence of mind to realize that while shockingly hit and bleeding significantly the bullet had not penetrated his lung as he was not gasping or coughing blood. He prevented a potential lynching of his assailant right then and there. He actually gave his scheduled speech before going to the hospital. The account is truly amazing.

Trump unquestionably showed bravado. But I do not hesitate to add that our armed forces over the years are replete with individuals who faced the enemy, knowing the enemy was trying to kill them, subjected themselves to fire fights, were fired upon regularly, perhaps wounded as Trump was (or worse) and got right back in the fight.

Trump did himself, his family and his supporters proud and I am very happy he was not killed or seriously injured for them, and for the good of the country but also wish as does Trump that another had not died and that others were not injured. But I can’t come to grips with singling the Trump experience out as especially evident of God’s directed will when our fallen ways, peoples’ bad choices and derangements, the fact that we are mortal are all so evident all the time.

I think grace to cope with our own mortality, tragic events, and the will to fight for right vs wrong, among other graces are constantly God’s gifts and I think that is what best evinced from the attempt on Trump’s life in Pennsylvania.

Not to diminish the instant bravado by Trump but lionizing, sanctifying him on that basis is overwrought unless God had his hand in a lot of saves from assassination attempts and pre-presidential lives of many presidents. Well OK I can accept that he did but more than as regards all of his children? It is one thing to say ‘it was not his, her or our time to die in a near death experience, it is another to say God alters the battlefield for each instance, the highways, the obstacles, the sequence, the actions of others, the cancer cell, whatever risk we encountered. And could not a butterfly flapping his wings in China not result in precisely what God wants?

The miracles affecting us everyday are quotidian so let’s not get carried away by a missed shot by a non-professional, rather, be grateful he did miss and leave the theology at that. The pedestal placement of Trump is unfair to others and disconcerting religiously and risks ignoring or excusing apostasies and even sanctifying anything he says or does. I do not think that is God’s will so let’s not invite the apostasy.

A mere summary of incidents involving other presidents might give perspective as to the workings of God’s hand in diverting bullets to spare chosen rulers. This is not mocking God’s capabilities or the unfathomable intricacy of how He makes happen what He wants to happen. But it is intended to challenge the selective interpretation by humans interpreting God’s particular involvement with an individual politician in a particular way when the outcome is appreciated but chance or actual sequence of events explains the matter.

I am also troubled by some of the same “God’s hand moved the bullet” theorists referring to our elected leaders as rulers in order to implicate the biblical sense of kings. Candidates and elected officials are not rulers. I rebel at that diminution of our agency. We are the rulers. Indeed unless they are outright liars our elected representative’s faults are largely also the faults of those who voted for them, who did not do due diligence or endorsed those attributes. It is also the fault of those who did not bother to make a choice and show up to vote. And even to a limited extent those whose support of superior candidates was deminimus when it readily could have been more — if only to try and talk one person into making the right decision or support organizations that do.

Sure there is deceit and sometimes hold your nose and vote choices. But the system allows changes. We vote the superior party candidate and try to make the superior candidate the  nominee. It is always a relative choice. And when we make a mistake the system allows changes. Indeed in our system of government there is no “principality” that can withstand a righteous God-fearing people. That is what it takes.

Although some candidates and presidents  have avoided it  (more so recently) there is a non-uniqueness to presidents subjecting themselves to or experiencing violent possible near death experiences. And it is non-unique not only to presidents, but as I mentioned such is replete in the military, and also true of many human undertakings and walks of life (police, fire and other vocations) along with chance happenings to everyday citizens. Who even knows how many near misses of one sort or another each of us actually have in the course of our existence. And if we have been cognizant of one or more do we get to claim anointed status based on that? And are our political opinions and policy recommendations more valid having experienced such?

Presidential Perspective:

This is not an effort to imply life is a matter of chaos,  it is definitively not and I believe that is the stupidest of concepts, indeed the ultimate evil. Nor is it to deny God’s active sovereignty as He wills. It is about peoples ability to discern and not risk creating false prophets so to speak.

Presidents, great or not so great, good and bad have experienced near death experiences, been shot at, experienced assassination attempts with or without injury. Their supporters may claim the hand of God but the whole hoopla seems rather parochial. Consider:

Probably all presidents have received credible threats on their life. Terrorist organizations do exist. Nut-cases abound.  The listed articles are but a sampling.  Some inclusions or exclusions can be challenged. But the non-uniqueness of danger experienced by aspirants and presidents is clear.  Is there then a tautology to God’s hand or not?

Most presidents have had military experience most of them saw combat, obviously all survived. A number of those were wounded. All of the Founding Fathers were under threat of being hanged. So I would include John Adams who it is said did not serve in the military but was a courageous resistance leader.

While it is still a useful summary, this article elevates random potshots at the White House during Clinton’s and Obama’s terms to concerted assassination attempts.  Biden is not listed in the article but Trump is:

As for recent presidential history Clinton, Obama, Trump  and Biden never joined the military, as young men never volunteered to be put in harms way or be under orders in that regard, rather unusual according to most (3 to 1) previous presidential history.  Military service should not be qualifying or disqualifying for the job in and  of itself. Indeed the percentage of men living today who have not served in the military including this author is about 76%  probably a larger percentage now as the poll is 12 years old.  But now Trump has seen “combat” and his initial reaction of defiance in the face of the enemy was inspiring. He deserves a Purple Heart but not necessarily a halo.

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Assassination attempt on Trump

Trump OK but has grazing head wound. Not likely a ricochet.  Early reports — civilian and gunman killed.  Our condolences to reported civilian victim and prayers for Trump.

Not our statement but seems apt — someone brought a gun to a word fight.

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Given that presidential elections are determined largely by the so-called independents who “vote for the man not the party” Ask yourself, who would be easier to defeat given all we already knew about Biden’s diminished and diminishing capacities? Biden or an even last-minute substitute? Biden is that bad. The truthful answer surely is that Biden is the worse case scenario for Dems (and they do not have a great alternative scenario).

Trump’s agreeing to debate so early, prior to the best chance for locking in the Dems with Biden, exposed Biden incontrovertibly too early thus giving the opposition the chance to change horses and or double up on a “vote Democrat” strategy.

Mr. 4D chess, out of utter bravado, instead of saying ~~ we will debate all you want after our parties’ nominating conventions ~~ (it is not like Triump doesn’t dodge debates) handed his opponents the opportunity for a revised playing board and a substitute king.

Biden was known to be so bad that it would be impossible, except through an incompetent campaign, to portray him as anything but a train wreck just on policy (the border, inflation) regardless of his apparent dementia. From many months ago, prior to the Republican caucuses and primaries it was soberly clear that any of several of the Republican contenders could defeat Dementia Joe. Well as long as the top contender remained loyal and didn’t go egotistically unpatriotically independent from the party whose substrate was TEA Party / MAGA (something that leading contender did not create).

Does it not make sense to maneuver so as to go against the weakest of one’s enemies and end that battle more decisively rather than unnecessarily cooperate in foreseeably giving the enemy lifelines, however remote?

If Biden drops out prior to or because of the Dem convention it is substantially Trump’s doing and it is arguably at least marginally to our and his detriment. It is a strategic error, hopefully not overwhelming. It needn’t be but then Trump lost to the likes of Joe Biden before. He (and the GOP) should have been able to overwhelm any cheating. Trump’s aura not his policies got in the way of superficial voters and most voters are superficial.

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Like Townhall’s Kurt Schlichter, I don’t see any need to watch the debate either

Kurt Schlichter’s columns are always enjoyable and a favorite of mine to riff off of,  even with occasional disagreement.  Sometimes I get to claim “that’s also what I have been saying” (just rarely as biting).

There Is No Debate That the Debate Will Be an Ambush.

He offers reasoning as to why bother watching that I certainly agree with.  There is another reason in my head and heart — great irritation with Trump that the thing is happening prior to the Democrat convention. It is just plain stupid macho on his part.  I offered the following to Schlichter’s article in a comment therein:

Like Kurt I am not going to watch (live anyway) as I will be too keyed up (naturally by the way). Agreeing with every description Kurt makes about Biden and that the public sees it as well there was no reason for Trump to agree to this debate or the conditions PRIOR to the Democrat’s being locked in with Biden.

Biden shot off his mouth and started the debate thing or was induced by his most clever handlers to do so, handlers who want to be in a position as soon as possible to unhand him at the convention and prove to even Jill that the whole thing is untenable and go with a replacement however problematic. And if he comes off as somewhat sentient then dig in and do their damnedest to get him over the finish line again, probably emphasizing party vs party and not worry about a more timely debate. Into the basement he goes.

It is a Hail Mary scenario for them (though Mary will have nothing to do with it) and Trump was rope-a-doped into it. He could have said ~~ sure, I will debate all you want right after the conventions as is only appropriate. But no, Trump’s ego was such to engage emotion before brain. I guess 4D chess includes handing your opponent (the Democrat party after all ) the opportunity for a revised playing board and a substitute king.

Such is their best legal chance. It may not help at all or much at all but why give them a thread of a chance given how bad Biden is. When your (our) enemy is in the process of destroying their chances why give them a possible life-line? Why!

Addenda,  45 minutes prior to start of debate:  — if Biden is good enough to seem sentient on most questions probably as a result of maybe a few clues through the grapevine via CNN it will plausibly be played by the Dems as a real horserace. Trumps agreeing to debate given the helpful conditions for Biden was dumb in that scenario.

If Biden is a disaster, the Dems have a thread of a chance to at least improve on him with another candidate at the convention. Any excuse will do.  It will not discombobulate them as Trump may be thinking because the media will cover for the change as best they can and the Dems will re-up their vote Party game and vote against “dangerous” Trump.  Hell they might reconsider RFK Jr. Not a winning strategy but superior perhaps to staying with Joe as he deteriorates weekly.  Bad decision by Trump to debate prior to the conventions.

Interested readers are of course welcome to blog along with comments contemporaneously , anonymous comments enabled for tonight but no imbedded links.  I won’t be commenting until tomorrow.

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Sheesh: RFK Jr says “Trump Greatest Debater in Modern History.”

Article at Red State:  Note that RFK Jr predicts there will not be a single question about COVID basically because  both Biden and Trump are vulnerable and they and CNN were cheerleaders for mRNA jabs, (Trump continually taking credit for arranging for their mass manufacture and distribution).

What, me worry?

Note also that we are not saying Red State is endorsing RFK’s statement, indeed the picture they chose to include seems to indicate some incredulity showing Trump in a less than erudite pose. Our caption not in the original.

One of the commenters using the handle etba_ss had a pithy response (excerpt):

RFK needs to lay off the crack pipe. Trump couldn’t even beat 2020 Biden in a debate and he’s the greatest in modern history? Ever hear of Ronald Reagan, who won the debate with Mondale with the first question.

And Trump didn’t run through 2016 one by one. He won by being the focus on the stage against 10 others. And besides that, in the NH debate, Cruz with assistance from Rubio, actually beat Trump’s ass. They beat him so bad he quit and wouldn’t do any more debates, skipping them to do a military “fundraiser”, which is called punking out. And he was far from a certainty at that point, winning 1 state with Cruz winning 1 and had about 30% support.  . . .

Yours truly also piped in:

I will be voting for Trump because Biden and the Dem leadership are so evil and Trump has some commendable qualities (ethos) a decent perception of the pathos of the voters (or where to be on issues to obtain votes) but on so much he is light on the logos. His alleged persuasiveness is often circular and presumptive. Biden is of course subterranean on all three aspects of classical rhetorical skill. Both are quite capable of devolving to shouting and or hurling epithets.

Saying Trump is the ‘greatest debater in Modern History’ is incredible on its face and wholly ignorant of the subject. My G*d what does Jr think constitutes modern history, the last few weeks? If Trump is so good why did he refuse to debate his Republican challengers, a collegial thing to do?  Is it because Trump is not all that collegial, unless he perceives everyone in the room adores him? Trump is more than a bit narcissistic, not as much as Biden however. Some amount helps one get through the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune along with having a lot of EFF U money at one’s disposal.

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The big debate or the big debacle

A few questions come to mind about the Biden and Trump debate this Thursday:

Will it be a train wreck for one or both? Does Biden have enough control left in him to stay on track and deliver the  responses prepared for and drilled into him whether or not they pertain to the questions? Can Trump summon enough discipline to respond cogently and not let himself be baited.  If the moderators are unfair the audience will see it and judge accordingly.Trump needn’t pick a fight with them on stage.

If FJB proverbially or actually sh*ts his pants on stage are the Dems still locked in with him? I lean toward it not making a lot of difference as far as Trump winning as they are on a loosing trajectory at least as to an honest election and a moderately competent Trump and GOP campaign.  The wild card for Dems being the possibility of  Trump eating a live rat on stage.

The Dem bench is weak and or unknown. Weak would be Harris, Newsom, Moochelle and frankly the often touted Michigan Governor Whitmer.  the often talked about Pennsylvania governor Josh Shapiro is largely an unknown character.  Biden or Harris are absolutely the weakest the Dems can present with but they may have to.

In any case they will have to run by fear-mongering about Trump implying Biden is less dangerous than Trump no matter how many Depends he uses a day. They will push a “vote Party, our candidates are interchangeable” approach. That is kind of obvious and actually from a civics standpoint (running as a Party) something appropriate, except you still have to demonstrate competence and sentience in leadership.

Biden and or Harris while being their weakest candidates for a variety of internal reasons are largely locked in other than at the extremis.  Republicans, realizing those two are the Dems absolutely weakest possibilities should have been concentrating heretofore on the Dems’ likely strategy – running as Party and not helping them fret and abandon Biden and Harris until it is too late  — their August convention.

Republicans and conservative allies should be tying  all Democrats together with ads on key policy issues beginning months ago rather than focusing on Biden who people can see is a demented old fool. Engage a little rope-a-dope allowing them to think Biden isn’t so bad intellectually, but do point out how their policies are devastating and evil. Open the book more on Biden after he is confirmed.

There are reports that the Trump campaign is now downplaying expectations about Biden being a likely disaster at the debate (which Trump allowed to happen too early).

The debate as a decisive event has been the Trump animating force in previous weeks for Trump rather than being a little Br’er Rabittish and allowing Biden’s nomination to be affirmed ‘organically’  . . .  letting the Dems be saddled with Biden all the while fighting the real November fight against all Democrats and their policies. Biden is pathetic and everybody knows that.

If the reports are true I am not sure it is because the Trump people now realize a little rope a dope is timely and that they are also running against a Party OR is it that they fear Biden will be self-contained for a couple hours and it dawned on them there is also a chance Trump could falter.

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For now stop beating the dead horse — Joe Biden

Let ’em think there is life in Old Flea Biscuit

Dear Republican strategists and conservative messagers: The easy punches against Biden may not be the best way this moment to guarantee Dems loose. We want all Dems to loose so go after the Dems as a party at this time.

Why showcase Joe’s dementia NOW prior to the Dems possibly being locked in? Concentrate on expressing how bad Dem policies are, how corrupt the whole party is, that is a party building strategy for Republicans and helps make many of those ballots the Dems harvest actually be Republican votes across the board.

Interestingly, one idea out there is that the Dems will bump Kamala but keep Joe out of internal necessity in order to reassure people that everything will be OK even with the dementia ridden creep officially still President. As pliable as Joe is with dementia, that is his feature. The Dems will stay with him while cranking up the election machine.

Biden/ HARRIS is particularly handicapping combination even with the machine. But Joe’s crime family needs the position to be safe and keep the grift running but because Harris is no help but there are other racial picks/spoils candidates Dems could install in that position. But Harris won’t go easily either.  So they have a real problem. Why induce them out of it?!  Make Biden /Harris the easy choice for them.

When the enemy could be in the process of foundering, don’t help them right the situation with article after article pointing out how out of it Dementia Joe is. It is arguably a HUGE error for conservatives, Republicans and Trump constantly pointing out how dementia-ridden Joe Biden is PRIOR to the Democrat convention. Concentrate on how bad Democrat policies are, not so much Joe’s incapacities just now.

Sure the Dem apparat knows how bad Biden is but let them think it isn’t quite so bad and that the situation is controllable. Why scare them into doing something reasonable? Why not a little rope-a-dope, a little “don’t throw us into the briar patch PLEASE? Why give them more incentive to replace Joe at their convention? Campaigning is a game. Game their system. Make them live by their rules and keep Joe.

The Dem bench is very weak so we do not think anyone with any name ID works for them even against Trump and even though at any point Trump could say something stupid, competing with Biden for expressed inanities. As we pointed out in a previous post, Trump’s agreeing to debate before the Dem convention was knee-jerk bravado like Biden’s challenge as far as we can tell. Trump could have easily plausibly said it would be inappropriate to debate prior to the conventions. It is not like Trump has not avoided debates before.  Let them keep Joe under wraps, then roll tape after they are locked in.

Again, concentrate now on expressing how bad Dem policies are, how corrupt the whole party is, that is a party building strategy for Republicans and helps make many of those ballots the Dems harvest actually be Republican votes.

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June 4th Republican primaries in Scott County – time for some changes and keep the Sheriff

Primary races for Board of Supervisors, Auditor, Sheriff, Congress.  Our endorsements are as follows:

Thomas Nelson and Jennifer McAndrew Lane for Republican nominations for County Supervisor

Mark Nelson for Republican nomination for County Auditor

Tim Lane for Republican nomination for County Sheriff (incumbent)

David Pautsch for Republican nomination US Congress District 1

Scott County Board of Supervisors

The candidates we support for Scott County Supervisors are competent qualified individuals bringing perspective to the positions useful to the scope of county office — with the kicker being they are change agents intent on transparency and putting a halt to good-ol’ boy and girl politics. They challenge Republican incumbents who have not lived up to  what should be Republican standards.

The incumbents they challenge have egregiously let us down by their votes or support for behaviors regarding the public’s right to know regarding political appointments. How dare they wrap themselves in “confidentiality’ regarding the appointment of PUBLIC officials supposedly responsible to citizens not just them?  How are we to know that the candidates they passed over to fill a vacant position on the Board were not superior to whom they picked?

One of the challenged incumbents is the beneficiary of the appointment which was  essentially done in secret or via the uncontionable allowance of secrecy regarding the installation of a public official, not an employee of the county.

The incumbents have also not been superlative in controlling county spending growth which leads to presumptive spending and build-on budgeting not truly zero-based.

Thomas Nelson brings analytical skills recognized by his award-winning performance in the positions he held in service to the country which includes the of Legion of Merit for his outstanding achievements. His health care background provides important competency in a major aspect of county government.  Learn more about his approach to county government in the River City Reader where all the county candidates were provided the opportunity to answer questions pertinent to the position and current controversies.  Tom Nelson has been active in Republican events locally for many years and spark-plugged the TEA party events held in Davenport beginning in 2009.

Jennifer McAndrew Lane brings a skill set and knowledge that overlap major aspects  of county government — matters related to mental health, social service provisions, judicial system and crime and recidivism.  She is a leader who has been active in Republican events for years and notably forthright in pursuit of civil liberties regarding COVID and more. Learn more about her approach to county government in the River City Reader where all the county candidates were provided the opportunity to answer questions pertinent to the position and current controversies.

Both of these candidates are no-nonsense individuals committed to citizen right to know,  efficient county government and serious adherence to Republican principles. For too many nominee wanabees the Republican nomination is a vehicle for advancement with insufficient attention to applying Republican principles of smaller, less obtrusive, transparent government providing basic services.

County Auditor

David Mark Nelson whose decades of experience as a commercial real estate appraiser is an exceptional candidate for Auditor who brings a devotion to best practices in service delivery, a needed insightful mind as regards evaluations of subjects under the purview of the Auditor and who along with our other endorsees has a dependable commitment to transparency and the public’s right to know, a matter we believe seriously abridged by the current Auditor’s performance in regards to her position on the County Executive Committee. Mark has been a leader in fiscal responsibility efforts dating back many years as regards the city of Davenport.  Also like our other endorsees Mark will protect the prerogatives of county government.

Learn more about his approach to county government in the River City Reader where all the county candidates were provided the opportunity to answer questions at substantial length pertinent to the position and current controversies.  There take note of the responses of incumbent Kerri Thomkins whose unresponsive drone is pretty much limited to, and we quote, “As the current Scott County Auditor, I follow the law and will continue to do so if I am elected for another term.”  Evasive or what we are not sure. Her performance as to appreciation of election integrity matters and purchasing of voter equipment we find wanting.  Mark Nelson is the far better choice in the primary for Republican concerns. 

County Sheriff

Our listing of endorsements herein is not meant to imply a ranking as to the importance of the position to Republican interests. Indeed the position of County Sheriff is critical to the our understanding of the Republic.  The position’s main public face / function is fairly described as primarily policing (law enforcement) of areas outside the metro area as in rural and smaller towns without a police department or to supplement the smaller communities constabulary. The department runs the jail as well.  But its purview is more and intricately related to our state constitution and even precepts of the common-law and judicial matters.

Besides having jurisdiction throughout the county, the department the Sheriff runs might be involved in investigations of city police who are, it should be understood, hired functionaries more limited in their scope of responsibilities.  The Sheriff is directly accountable to the people, not to the Board of Supervisors or as the police force is to the City Council.

Our support of Sheriff  Tim Lane is driven by his performance, by his commitment to the republican form of government, by the involvement he has shown in Republican Party affairs.  We ask Republican Party primary voters when and how long have you ever seen Lane’s challengers involvement in support of  Republican efforts?  Tim Lane has  attended Central Committee meetings for many years and participates in support of Republican candidates for office. He deserves  our loyal support because he has been effective in his loyalty to our country, our state, our county and in support of Republican causes as a citizen participant.

Learn more about his views on important questions asked  in the River City Reader where all the county candidates were provided the opportunity to answer questions pertinent to the position and current controversies.


This letter by Jay Olson commenting in the North Scott Press on May 15th is an impression we share about the candidacy of David Pautsch:

This is an all-American story about a good friend of mine…
An Army Veteran who inspired his two sons to also serve our country, tragically, one did not return home from the battlefield in Iraq.
… a successful business owner.
… a God-honoring man who has shared his faith with thousands, who searched his heart and answered God’s call to help save our nation.
David Pautsch (pronounced pouch)
is challenging an incumbent who no longer is serving the people who trusted her to represent them.
At the recent convention of Iowa’s 1st Congressional District, David received a standing ovation after delivering his remarks. (That’s never happened before!). And it happened again May 4 at the Iowa State Republican Convention in Des Moines. David’s seven-minute speech had standing ovations and at
least 12 bursts of applause.
 At the District Convention in April,
the incumbent came in at the last moment and left as soon as she was done justifying her unjustifiable record. The state delegates responded with a similar lack of any enthusiasm. The voters know. A recent independent poll tells it all. The incumbent earned only 32% favorability!
David believes in secure borders, free speech, gun rights, life, honest elections, term limits, farms, rational ener gy and foreign policy, budget controls, constitutional rights and our desperate need for the Lord’s help.
Our country needs a true statesman. To save this nation, vote David Pautsch for the 1st Congressional District
of Iowa on June 4th, and help Make America Great Again.

Mariannette Miller-Meeks has been a great disappointment to Republicans on budget matters and so much more being a weak sister in holding Democrats feet to the fire.  She is a big spender uninterested in seriously reigning in the size of the federal government  — continuing the “continuing resolution” and omni-bus habits that serve to inculcate all manner of evil Democrat proclivities. The only way to stop it is to stop it.  Her positions while sounding conservative are obviated by support for spending bills that counter them. Miller-Meeks supports the do-nothing type of Republican leadership that is our bane. We can do better because Miller-Meeks is high-maintenance and too undependable.

Learn more about David Pautsch here.  Miller-Meeks performance evaluations by conservative outlets here and here.

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