Monthly Archives: April 2016

Freedom is never given; it is won*

This link/YouTube commentary of Bill Whittle  as sent to us by a warrior, Bill Albracht of Moline.  We  agree with Bill that what is said is so very true.  The warnings have to be understood and the body politic must … Continue reading

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We guess George Will and Veritas are not on the same last chapter

If Trump is nominated, the GOP must keep him out of the White House “Were he to be nominated, conservatives would have two tasks. One would be to help him lose 50 states — condign punishment for his comprehensive disdain … Continue reading

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Cruz – pretty good end of week; Trump – not as good a week as he thinks

Cruz on rebound We believe Ted Cruz has generally benefited this week from several factors that have gone his way, or recognition of which will help him build momentum in Indiana and beyond. Donald Trump chalked up some expected primary … Continue reading

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Indiana Republicans — the direction of the country is in your hands

Readers are asked to encourage their Indiana contacts to support Ted Cruz These two articles put the situation in perspective, please commend them to your contacts. From political analyst Dick Morris: Trumps narrow window (and Cruz’s) Here’s how Trump’s world … Continue reading

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The world is upside down – CNN is making an effort at ‘balance”

Avoiding “big cable” news media other than to catch their drift on matters, we only recently became aware of CNN commentator Tara Setmayer.  We were genuinely surprised.  Fox does not do as well with some of its commentators. According to … Continue reading

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Boehner says “Over my dead body will he (Cruz) be President”

Apparently Ted Cruz was responsible for a lot of stress on Big John.   Now who is the true conservative and who is the establishment favorite? Which one does the establishment and donor class fear, the one they can golf and … Continue reading

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News About the anti-Cruz “Orange Lives Matter” Coalition

During interview at Stanford U., Boehner announces he will not vote for Cruz if he is the nominee Calls Cruz “Lucifer”  and a “miserable son of a bitch” Says he  “Tweets” and golfs with Trump and will support him In … Continue reading

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WSJ tries to evade responsibility for political landscape

Oh, come now, Daniel “Let’s be clear. The success of the Trump candidacy is based on one and only one reality: two terms of weak, anxiety-producing economic growth under Barack Obama.” So sayeth the Wall Street Journal as written by … Continue reading

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Senator Grassley, you can’t be proud of this pork

Wind energy subsidy is back up to over $94 million Grassley slopped the hogs — cosponsored spending amendment boondoggle Floor statement analyzed by us for swine dysentery Goes against district platforms; spending was opposed by over 3/4 of Republican Senate … Continue reading

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Earnestly hypocritical

I found it rather startling that “Earnest” Josh Earnest would comment on a pronunciation flub by a political figure. After all, Josh is chief mouthpiece/ spokeshole for the guy that must have made some kind of “phonetic” history…a Yale and … Continue reading

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