Monthly Archives: July 2016

Lies, Damned Lies, and Tax Hikes at the DNC

Here is a collection of links and excerpts from three recent articles responding to Obama’s claims at the DNC convention, Hillary and her platform. The Daily Wire:  9 Biggest Lies Obama Told In His DNC Speech     We excerpt the first … Continue reading

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Trump event — on pitch and off pitch — part 1

First the prelims . . . I was there to support Trump. I sat close, second row seating, slightly oblique to the lectern, it enabled me to see every intended facial or body language nuance, every gesture of those speaking.  … Continue reading

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Trump in Davenport

Brief report on Trump’s visit to Davenport, the good aspects and the bad, coming soon.  In the meantime keep in mind  the practical alternative: 00

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Trump jokes that The Bear should bare Hillary’s E-mails . . .

And if they have them stored from when Hilary used her own personal server, illegally and at risk to national security, why would we not appreciate their help with our law enforcement? So we are told by the Democrat Party … Continue reading

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More reminders about who Hillary is — Via TN


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From over the transom –Lest We Forget

This came in today unattributed (via DK). It serves as a good reminder about THE HILLDABEAST When Bill Clinton was president, he allowed Hillary to assume authority over a health care reform. Even after threats and intimidation, she couldn’t even … Continue reading

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Biden time — we actually agree with him about something

Listen to Biden’s comments about letting Sanders delegates vent. That is the part we agree with and would urge the micro=manager / control freaks everywhere to consider.  It is better for “joint ownership” of the event and ongoing unity to … Continue reading

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WordPress platform just too slow today so far

Not my computer or the Internet service  (this time).   Everything on WordPress moving like molasses.  Check back for Biden time and Hillary speech game. 00

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Justice would be be sanctions against Houston DA / Planned Parenthood shill

Charges dropped against prolife activist David Daleiden for exposing this sort of thing at Planned Parenthood: (Tweet from the accused set forth below)   And we hope they are charged, but not only should Planned Parenthood (PP) be charged for … Continue reading

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Trump in Davenport Thursday

Iowa must be a swing state . . . We think the venue is too small for a nominated candidate.  He will also be in Cedar Rapids later in the day.                   … Continue reading

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