Monthly Archives: May 2020

NYPD make their move after due warning to avoid being injured or killed

Perhaps the officers should have waited for the Molotov cocktails I guess I watched a video of a different incident than the ‘objective journalists’ at the Daily Mail: Two NYPD patrol cars RAM into a group of George Floyd protesters … Continue reading

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Not rioting for justice – rioting for the loot

No justice under Democrat Mayor of  Minneapolis We do not know the appropriateness of the allegations of egregiousness by a Minneapolis policeman’s physical handling of a criminal suspect.  This report at RedState provides the latest official information. Based on it … Continue reading

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The mayor’s just ‘giving the rioters “some space” to “get it off their chest”.

In the meantime  the Twin Cities have the demeanor of the “twin cities” of Kabul and Baghdad (riot pics below) To recall and paraphrase President Abraham Lincoln’s ‘request’ of General McClellan: President Trump of Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey:                                        “If Mayor … Continue reading

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Interesting Times

There is an astonishing amount of compelling events happening such that just sifting through and bringing to your attention aspects is overwhelming. The utter nonsense of the COVID 19 response — the bad science and science as god, the political … Continue reading

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When this one runs out, another virus please

More money for no work, makes sense* Businesses on the dole that could not compete Some unions agitating for hazard pay** Strangely the bandwagon antic was not entertained for exposure to “ordinary” flu seasons (but we can hear them tuning … Continue reading

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Steve King getting “the treatment” from the usual suspects

As a supporter of Steve King, I found this piece by Jack Cashill informative, and an accurate characterization of the congressman. In my opinion, Rep. King has been “Palin-ized” by the Dems and, of course, the media, and, also, of … Continue reading

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In spite of his bluster Chris Wallace not up to taking on Kayleigh

At RedState Sister Toldjah writing: Boom: Kayleigh McEnany Dropkicks Chris Wallace Over Suggestion That Journalists Shouldn’t Be Questioned Yesterday, my RedState colleague Bonchie wrote about how Fox News anchor Chris Wallace and former National Review editor Jonah Goldberg bashed White … Continue reading

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Kaleigh…YOU GO, GIRL!

Fox’s Chris Wallace has always been an insufferable, know-it-all snob, willing to attack Trump as if he (Wallace) were free of bias.  This from an early Wallace confrontation with a Trump spokesperson. They have gotten even better since then, at … Continue reading

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Liberal dominant media prefers fulmination to fulcrum

Our purposes are emblazoned on our masthead, would that dominant liberal media did the same.  It would need to read something like “orange man bad” First up is an expose that is but one example of the insidious bias analyzed … Continue reading

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The more the media plays up something the more you know the opposite is true.

Here are a couple of commentaries about the dominant liberal media in general and two named individuals featured by Fox (Chris Wallace and Jonah  Goldberg) . The first by the estimable Victor Davis Hanson writing at American Greatness and the … Continue reading

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