Monthly Archives: January 2015

Examples of muddled thinking, apostasy, vilification . . .

This completes the hat trick for this week: Kasich and Matthew 25; An off the wall “Libertarian” comment, Boehner invites Netanyahu  — bad  . . .  Georgetown U brings in terrorist organization — good Kasich in judgement As Bible verse … Continue reading

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Will Romney decision not to run help or hurt Jeb Bush?

Against the conventional wisdom that having fewer establishment types in the mix helps the chosen one against conservative candidates, Dick Morris gives reasons that Romney’s self elimination will hurt Jeb Bush’s chances for the nomination. Consider his thoughts: Now that … Continue reading

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Chill in the air for continued tax credits for Big Wind

What will Mid-American Berkshire Energy and Warren Buffet do?* In Iowa, when it comes to hammering Republican leadership to do their duty, pull away from the trough, and oppose Big Wind and Big Ethanol subsidies – who’s your daddy? — … Continue reading

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Place your bets . . . and our cynical fears

Will Republican leadership have the guts to: Keep campaign promises to stop Obamacare? Keep campaign promises to stop Executive Amnesty Not re-confirm Eric Holder in drag? Question 1 — Will the Obamacare vote be  rope-a-dope (of the Republican base) by … Continue reading

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Hype and jive over Michelle Obama’s missing hijab

Hijab refers to the head-covering traditionally worn by Muslim women. A scarf of sorts, it is required by law as a matter of modesty for Muslim women in Saudi Arabia  and other theocratic Muslim countries. Hype and jive refers to … Continue reading

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Middle Class Suffers Under Obama

Continuing with what we believe are useful background articles regarding the hot topic of economic disparity, we provide this link and excerpts from an article by Mark Alexander at Patriot Post.   Obama’s ‘Middle-Crush Economics’ Obama in his State of the … Continue reading

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You can’t make liberal stuff up

Every time you try, they prove you were for real So no, Veritas readers, your editors did not create the “Phil Silverman” posts as a way to make liberals, especially Obama acolytes look stupid, ill-informed, and buffoonish. “Phil Silverman” does … Continue reading

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Liberals aggravate sin of envy by distorting truth about income disparity

From National Center for Policy Analysis, re-posted in its entirety. Debunking Income Inequality Myths  Income inequality may be a popular topic, but it’s also one that’s largely misunderstood. Rachel DiCarlo Currie, a senior fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum, explains … Continue reading

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When it comes to protocol . . . Obama, thy name is boor

That Speaker Boehner has invited Benjamin Netanyahu to address a joint session of Congress without checking with them first has caused the Obama Administration to go into high dudgeon, referring to it as a breach of protocol. Wow, if even … Continue reading


Calling out the Pope

The Federalist, is a respected conservative pro-Constitutional  publication featuring an impressive stable of regular and contributing editors. Two articles have appeared there in recent days that have reinforced our critiques of Pope Francis both as to appropriateness and substance. An … Continue reading

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