Monthly Archives: May 2014

Clovis Meet & Greet in Bettendorf Today

From the Clovis campaign: Sam Clovis will be in Bettendorf TODAY (Saturday) at 5 p.m. at the Pizza Ranch located at 880 Lincoln Road.  Come and meet Sam.  Brings your friends and neighbors out to meet Sam and ask him … Continue reading

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Liberal Media on the Iowa Senate Primary

From over the transom, sort of : Roger, MSNBC (their early Sat morning “Up With Steve…”segment) did an extensive analysis of the IA primary race. Guest was Bradovich from the Des moines Register. Highlights: -Joni- 34% -Jacobs-15% -Clovis-14% – Romney … Continue reading

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A Retrospective On Jay Carney

It was announced last night that Obama’s court liar Jay Carney was leaving.  We thought it appropriate to set down this pictographic retrospective on someone that has been such an enjoyable part of our lives. Our colonoscopy pictures were not … Continue reading

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The Left’s Absurdities Never Stop

Obama’s New Ideal Warrior – Gwyneth Paltrow The yappy actress has emerged as the newest model of the kind of “soldier” Barack Obama wants in his army. Perhaps because of her “combat service” as an occasionally maligned spokesperson for the … Continue reading

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Clovis Shines . . . Ernst/Jacobs — Jacobs/Ernst . . . Neither Ready for Prime Time

 The last Republican senate primary debate was Thursday night.  The mode for the competitors will now be to get out the vote. Statewide absentee voting has not been heavy so prepare yourself for some robo calls encouraging you to vote … Continue reading

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A Little Radicchio From Our Senior Editor

When Bushies blew a CIA cover, it was ‘treason’; now, it’s a mistake This is a decent recap by Byron York, writing in the Washington Examiner, of the Plame fiasco but even it does not recall all of the sordid … Continue reading

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Jarlsberg — Murder Rampage and Pelosi’s Partisan Insanity

Stilton Jarlsberg writing at is a multi-talented satirist/ essayist. He invokes humor and profundity.  Today’s essay reposted here is a timely and sincere advocacy for  a better response to the recent mass murder spree in California.  Jarlsberg points out … Continue reading

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Jacobs – Ernst Slap Fight Continues . . .

. . . in other  news the sun will set later today. We received more of those large post cards last week from the Jacobs campaign.  The tactic of Jacobs consultant Steve Grubbs / Victory Enterprises is familiar. The format … Continue reading

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Our Country Will End Not With A Bang . . .

 . . . But a Whimper It is said that often hundreds go passively to their certain execution at the hands of only a few captors. No attempt to overcome the few by the many doomed and desperate souls. Too … Continue reading

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I Guess We’re Lucky He Didn’t Pray at the Grave of Yasir Arafat

From  Nick Squires, Bethlehem and Robert Tait in Jerusalem writing for The London Telegraph:  (bold emphasis ours) It was an unprecedented gesture which delighted Palestinians. They were also pleased that during his various addresses in Bethlehem, Francis used the term … Continue reading

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