Monthly Archives: June 2013

We Already Know One is the Evil Twin

            Evil twins? . . .  rivals with same celebrity optician? We do not know if Eric Snowden has actually exposed anything any self-aware terrorist organization did not already assume.   We do not know that … Continue reading

Posted in UNCATEGORIZED | 1 Comment

Obama’s Enormous Climate Lies — Alan Caruba

Putting aside Obama’s intention to further reduce our nuclear arsenal as articulated in his June 19 speech in Berlin, he has solidified his position as the World’s Greatest Liar with his statements about climate change, aka global warming, which he … Continue reading

Posted in ENERGY & CLIMATE | 1 Comment

Dispatches # 3

From our Great Plains Drifter, DLH: Anyone in the QCA interested in knowing what the QC Times editorial board thinks of recent IRS revelations (or any of the other scandals surrounding the most transparent administration ever)  Need we recall their … Continue reading


Wondering About Local Official Catholic Reaction To Jill Biden

Jill Biden,* the wife of the Vice-President of the United States may not be on quite the level of her husband when it comes to serious thought processes. He is able to spout sophist statements on the world stage that … Continue reading

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Abortion Attempt On Rule Of Law In Texas – Appalling Support From Obama & Vice-President’s Wife

Absolutely appalling.* A radical pro-abortion mob subverted the overwhelming majority of Texas legislators  voting to protect women’s health in the aftermath of Gosnell like conditions in Texas abortuaries and save unborn babies at 20 weeks gestation.  TWENTY WEEKS Read these … Continue reading

Posted in UNCATEGORIZED | 4 Comments

Marriage Hanging by SCOTUS — Today’s Decision

There are significantly different takes on today’s Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) marriage decisions. The preliminary analysis I have read range from descriptions that they are very bad, but not worse case scenario, because states that have not … Continue reading

Posted in UNCATEGORIZED | 1 Comment

Wimpy Republicans

I will gladly secure the border next Tuesday for legislation today “We have seen this play before,” Cruz said. “It is reminiscent of Obamacare, yet another bill that we were told we’ve got to pass it to find out what’s … Continue reading

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Background Information – Immigration Up-Date – Senate Voting Week of June 24

We hope the articles we have included here will serve as substantial background for local Republican operatives as they embark on the “minority outreach” project much ballyhooed of late. There are very real problems with the current fast track (bum’s … Continue reading

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Schumer Makes The Conservative Case for Opposition To Gang Of 8 Immigration Proposals

This from a Washington Times story about Sen.Chuck Schumer (D-NY) in an interview yesterday, days after the Corker-Hoeven 1100 page amendment to the Gang of 8 a.k.a.  Rubio – Schumer Immigration reform bill.  Someone should send this to Marco Rubio. … Continue reading

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Immigration Bill and Obama’s Emmigration Bill

Matthew Boyle writing at Breibart  reports on the Corker – Hoeven Amendment to the Gang of 8 immigration bill.   This is an astounding revelation and just more evidence that something happens to people when they go to Washington.  The new … Continue reading

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