Category Archives: IMMIGRATION

Daniel Greenfield article: An Al Qaeda Emir Came to America and Applied for Disability

A number of Republican and Democrat Governors have been all over themselves of late preening about taking in more refugees.  Trump Administration policies have become  more selective, designed to protect America and get control of immigration of all sorts. America … Continue reading

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Now, since Trump’s fer it, they’re agin it

OK, it’s probably not only  that  “if Trump’s for it they are against it” ~ because the capture of the Democrat party on immigration issues (the matter addressed here) seems complete no matter what. There are new Democrat bosses in … Continue reading

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Birthright citizenship? A key limiting phrase in 14th Amendment . . .

AND subject to the jurisdiction thereof . . . Not to mention the stated intent of the authors (see our bold below) Liberal law professor Jonathan Turley fudges a bit saying there are strong arguments on both sides. He really … Continue reading

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What Trump (and his supporters) are up against

This is an extraordinarily comprehensive article by Jeff Locke at American Thinker, and I believe, very accurate, analysis of just how big the challenges to President Trump are as he tries to address the great, and growing worse, illegal immigration … Continue reading

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Exclude Illegals from HUD Housing

Loophole allows atrocious abuse of tax-paying citizens More evidence of the cost and everyday abuse of American generosity The word is out — hit the border – Uncle Sugar awaits you Commentary follows “Free housing??!! for illegal immigrants?!!  (The catch … Continue reading

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Despicable Me’dia

Readers are no doubt aware of the Time Magazine cover that couldn’t be more phony, manipulative, biased towards the reality of Trump administration border enforcement obligations.  And from a supposed venue for news and independent objective analysis.  Regrettably the cover, … Continue reading

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Cruz is right — Trump / Grassley / Ernst Immigration bill was more capitulation than compromise

Aforementioned (failed) bill officially called the Secure and Succeed Act Represents largely the abandonment of a key issue bigger than a wall It was  “a very bad deal” now likely to get worse Compare Grassley’s stated position to what he … Continue reading

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Trump’s State of Union Speech B + or A-

Democrats in attendance rate an F minus and should be expelled Most memorable line: “Americans are dreamers too ” although it can be taken as a tweak at the pretensions of the DREAMers it does not have to be Democrats … Continue reading

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Trump’s Blind Spot

The effete hate him, the “barbarians” love him, embrace the latter – The president seems to mistakenly assume that all of the people on his team, the members of his political party and those of the opposition, the members of … Continue reading


Genius gone awry? Immigration — earmarks?

Worrisome dalliance over immigration matters More worrisome is seeming endorsement of going back to the days of logrolling AKA “earmarks” and the “pork barrel.” That is not draining the swamp, it is what filled it up Look for a rush … Continue reading

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