Monthly Archives: October 2016

Don Feder – Hillary by the Numbers

Here is another succinct article made available by GrassTops USA,  helpful in explaining what is at stake this election: Hillary By The Numbers GrassTopsUSA Exclusive Commentary By Don Feder October 31, 2016        The reality of Hillary Rodham Clinton might … Continue reading

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Getting up to speed on Huma’s 650,000 e-mails & the BIG question

First THE BIG question: Huma Abedin or Anthony Weiner, who will cop a plea or turn “states evidence” to save their butt . . . or will one or both fall on their sword “for the team”? Of course falling … Continue reading

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Our Constitutional Republic at risk

Exceptional; concise, accurate, grim Consider this quote from an article in Real Clear Politics, (see below) “This establishes the one-party state without real opposition that the Dems have long craved. The political takeover scheme is to present-day America what the … Continue reading

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Pure, but not originalist, bunk

Recently a relatively small group of supposed conservative law professors and lawyers who are also supposed advocates of originalism as regards constitutional interpretation, signed a statement of political purity incredibly suggesting that Donald Trump would be no better, even worse … Continue reading

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Calling out “Vichy conservatives”

And yet they call themselves conservatives when they are too proud to do the best at conserving what is left “It is the most abject and dishonorable surrender to the worst ideological enemy conservatives have ever faced: both Obama and … Continue reading

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Did Comey receive an offer he could not refuse

One rumor floating out there is that FBI underlings and /or retirees gave Comey an ultimatum.  They understand that Hillary is as guilty as hell  and is being let off because Comey is a hack and a traitor to justice … Continue reading

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Big Mo (we hope)

Polls trending Trump even before latest news about Hillary investigation Today’s news about FBI Director Comey reopening the investigation of Hillary is not helpful in and of itself to Hillary, but as our illustrious senior editor opined, basically it may … Continue reading

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When it comes to Comey & Clinton Inc., take the cynical view

Rush Limbaugh outlined what he termed a “cynic’s” view of the FBI’s reopening of Hillary’s private server matter (see WaPo story below): Here’s this cynic’s view: by “reopening” the investigation, nothing more can be reported by the FBI about Hillary’s … Continue reading

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Clinton Inc. — The sleaze exposed

Folks, “if you haven’t lost Facebook friends over Trump yet, it’s time to step up your game.” If there was ever a reason to crank up social media WikiLeaks has provided it earlier this week as it exposes a key … Continue reading

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Great googly-moogly — Howard Stern votes for Hillary!

” (Howard) Stern is voting for Hillary Clinton because he agrees with her on key issues like immigration and abortion.” No kidding? Stern is voting for Hillary? Surely our fair maiden, Hillary, will sternly reject Mr. Stern’s support; much the same way she … Continue reading

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