Its War You Idiots — Michael Ledeen

In this post we will mix war, religion, and the state of political leadership at the local level across too much of the state and country.

Writing at PJ Media Michael Ledeen walks us through the convoluted Obamanation  Middle East “policy.”  The one thing consistent appears to be that the Obama administration has been on the wrong side of most key aspects to the turmoil. His conclusion — Iran’s mullahs are the puppet masters of chaos and while there is much infighting now, part of the convolutions he identifies, there is a core focus on Jehad, and a worldwide caliphate. His solution, understand the many aspects of the threat of radical Islam, and focus our moral and political suasion at this time to help the youthful reform movement in Iran. A very informative two or three pages, read the entire article here.

Gary Bauer writes regarding the jihadists targeting of Egypt’s Christians

The headlines have focused on the fighting between the Egyptian military and the Muslim Brotherhood. Virtually ignored is the increasing ferocity of the jihad against Egypt’s Christian population. Dozens of churches, Christian businesses, schools and homes have been ransacked and burned.

The Christian Science Monitor reports that a mosque in Al Nazla incited violence during morning prayers, telling Muslims, “Your brothers … are being killed by Jews and Christians.”  . . .

Sadly, the western media and Washington’s political elites have expressed more concern about the treatment of the Muslim Brotherhood. Members of Congress are demanding that the U.S. suspend aid to the Egyptian government battling the radicals. The Obama Administration is urging the interim government to negotiate with the Muslim Brotherhood, but he has made no demands that the Muslim Brotherhood stop attacking Christians.

Meanwhile the king of Saudi Arabia is standing with the Egyptian military against the Muslim Brotherhood. Something is terribly wrong when the president of the United States appears more sympathetic to Muslim extremists than the king of Saudi Arabia. The BBC reported over the weekend that the U.S. foreign policy, reputation and credibility are “in tatters.”

It’s not surprising that media and political elites are silent about the plight of Christians in Egypt. But it is mystifying and heartbreaking that so few pastors find this a worthy topic to discuss from the pulpit . . .

Serious stuff. But pastors and the elite are not the only “institutions”  that should be speaking out but are not.  Just as pastors in every church should find their tongue to speak out to their mere congregations, so to should Republican leadership at the county level, which in reality have a much more sizable “congregation.”

Instead these “leaders” focus on organization wheel spinning when they are not inert. Jealous of their pathetic perquisites, they surround themselves primarily not with a team moving forward but fellow non-threatening wheel spinners.  In a game where message and ideas are of fundamental concern they have none and require none. They could literally be replaced by a robo call machine, and a bulk rate stamp handed out to candidates.

Their main activity is to immerse themselves in internecine warfare, “purifying” the congregation’s board to avoid criticism. They themselves are uninspired , have little grounding in issues, and they fail to use the tools, the access, the “pulpit” at their beck and call.  They think of themselves as organizers as if arranging deck chairs is the primary need in politics.

True, they are volunteers, unpaid like some pastors. But many a pastor would appreciate the potential audience available in politics.  Maybe not everyday, making a living and other duties intrude, but maybe once every few weeks, or once a month . . .

But politicians (paid) appreciate these “leaders,” petty bureaucrats at best, they pat them on the head, and the  Party “leaders” get all aglow,  even though the arrangements they achieve for the politician are primarily to speak to the choir. Pathetically many of the politicians are content with that, probably because such “leadership” is non-threatening to them and their paid do-nothingness.

Of course politicians understand the problems, they are part of it and they know it. Some are willing to do something about the system, most not, and they do not have to worry about any “inspiration” from most of the Party “leaders” at any level.

About four months at best every two years local Party leadership is marginally useful but eminently replaceable.  As Ledeen and Bauer imply, what is needed are war fighters . . . up and down the line.      R Mall

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