Monthly Archives: March 2020

US should use South Korean Model to cope with Wuhan Virus

I drive extensively in this bi-state metro area of about 350,000 people. The economic impact of the government imposed measures, federal, state and local,  to combat the spread of the Wuhan virus already appears devastating.  It will likely get worse … Continue reading

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Random takes: Cher – Drudge – Supply Chains

Leave Cher, just leave!…escape to that ‘better place’ (China? Italy? Venezuela?, where the “leaders” are better (Xi? Vladimir?Khomeini?) CHER DECLARES PRESIDENT TRUMP A ‘MUDERER’ What a sad, pathetic creature she is…and she is quite at home among numerous others like … Continue reading

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With resistance to hysteria among the political class collapsing, a timely cure for Wuhan flu would be nice

The most aggressive complication to Wuhan is hysteria Reports of cures — we ask why would they not kill any/most types of  virus? Research continues These items came to us today via the unfortunately named  selective news aggregator Blabber Buz … Continue reading

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Questions and other perspectives on Wuhan Coronavirus / COVID-19 policies

References and related reading will be added to this post later today A report we read recently is that our country has had 20,000 deaths due to flu (other than COVID 19) this season already. It is not unusual for … Continue reading

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Not too late for politically incorrect Ides of March humor

And a little nostalgia for relief from the coronovirus nonsense Speaking of the Ides of March, a group from one of our favorite nostalgic years:  CRANK UP VOLUME Comments and factoids from the YouTube postings: “Vehicle” peaked at No. 2 … Continue reading

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Viral humor (and wisdom) in memes

Making the rounds, thanks to HP Facebook page.  Warning! The George Carlin routine has very course language.     00

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Willard “Mittens” has all the good ideas

The Silk Stocking/Mink Mittens boy has a solution! Willard would put a Grover in every hand!   Dammit! If I had good ideas like this I could be a US Senator. (I can not believe that I voted for this … Continue reading

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Proactive Panic is worse than the disease

The good news is that lima beans seem safe from the hoarding epidemic Victor Davis Hanson has an excellent good-sense article at American Greatness (set forth below).  There are many astute comments to that article available through the link From … Continue reading

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Scott County Republican (SCR) Convention — Precautions not Cancellation

The world should not shut down because of flu and cold season Perhaps the biggest news about the Scott County Republican County Convention is that it was held.  Despite the current hysteria over the Wuhan coronavirus, rational people, a hallmark … Continue reading

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Champaign Executive Order: This is what happens when you authorize such power

The powers that be create it, claim it, use it Any ignorant pretext might do The sheeples go along TN points out this fiat against democracy AND liberty in Champaign Illinois. The liberty concept is often assaulted by democracy. This … Continue reading

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