Referring to the incessant and preposterous Obama attack line that Republicans are waging a “war on women” Clarice Feldman points out in American Thinker how the idea is backfiring. Feldman writes:
One of the intriguing aspects of this election is how the Democrats’ shameless and clueless appeal to women is ending with the vaporization of the historic “gender gap” among voters.
. . .Bad times tend to focus the mind and wise up all voters, including women. Maybe we really aren’t voting for the head of a national PTA, Johnny Appleseed, or for our choice of “American Idol.” Perhaps it would be a good idea to elect someone who does understand economics and business . . .
. . .Then there’s the insult of an appeal that assumes that over half the population is so focused on their reproductive parts that nothing else matters much to them. I mean that does seem terribly regressive when you consider it. And it is an equally poor judgment that assumes free contraceptives and no limits on abortion are the choice all women want to make . . .
The full article is available here. DLH