The 45th President of the United States and Greatest Secretary of State in All of Galactic History:

And She Ate Their Lunch
We had four dead Americans. Was it because of a protest, or was it because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they’d go kill some Americans?What difference does it make at this point, does it matter?
Not if you’re Hillary the Great and a key member of the Obama Royal Family. Just who is this bunch of clowns who think they have any kind of role in the governance of this country to think they can question my wisdom and integrity ?
After accepting accolades and congratulations for her wonderful accomplishments, her unselfish service on behalf of President Obama’s obedient subjects and her immense contributions to world peace from each and every Senator and congressperson, Secretary Clinton on Wednesday settled in to her familiar standup act.
Well honed tactics of evasion, dismissiveness, and aggressive counterattack were on full display. Viewers saw a little Eric Holder shtick…”you don’t expect me to read all those reports and memos my office gets, do you”?; We saw some of the classic “Clinton Humility”…”I take responsibilty, now let’s move on for the American people”.
Most impressive, however, was her response, quoted above, to a Senator’s effort to learn why and how the Administration chose to blatantly mislead the American people regarding the Benghazi attack.
It is a classic! It is as though Casey Anthony took the stand to question the rudeness of the prosecutor in attempting to try her for the murder of her two year old daughter: “What difference does it make? This adorable little child is dead. We need to insure that it doesn’t happen in the future…not dwell on the past or on who did what. WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? DOES IT MATTER”?
I am surprised the GOP members of the two committees didn’t just apologize and call for adjournment.
One last thought. The committee members were limited in the length of their time to question the Secretary. It would be interesting to learn how many total minutes were used to thank and congratulate Ms. Clinton for her “service” and for finally showing up to testify, of the total time allotted.
Yessir. We saw real bipartisanship on display Wednesday! DLH
Endnote — Recommended — A couple of other trenchant articles via PJ Media also tell the tale:
The Day Accountability Died by Bridget Johnson
Madam Secretary, You Let The Consulate Become A Death Trap by Bryan Preston
The problem with most of the Republicans is that they lacked anything like a spine. They were cowards. The problem with the few Republicans who did get tough was that they spent far too much time stating things, and far too little time asking questions. They appeared to be more interested in creating YouTube clips of themselves speaking, than in asking short, direct, informed questions that would have gotten anything close to a real answer from Clinton.
- As a result, they never laid a glove on her.
- As a result, the Benghazi cover-up remains covered up.
- As a result, accountability is dead in Washington, at least for Democrats.
- It’s still open season on Republicans.
What a disgusting display this was! Oh Secretary of State Clinton thank you for your service! Thank you for your service to woman! My daughters love you! Thank you for looking out for the LGBT community! I watched about an hour total of and this is what I saw from Democrats. I’m told it got much worse.
I did see Rand Paul (who I urge all of you to gravitate towards) pound Clinton though. He seems to be the only one looking out for us these days and the only Republican with an actual spine. The guy is on a roll. last week he trashed MSM RINO darling and whale Chris Christie. Rand will definitely be in the MSM “cross hairs.”
As for the awful Benghazi attack and Clinton’s testimony here, it looks like case closed. Sure it should be a big deal (and would be if Bush was in office) but it won’t. Heck we can’t even mobilize enough outrage on our side to move the needle on this. How are we supposed to convince the Obama voter who 75% of the time can’t even tell us who the Vice President is?
Good post, Roy. I would add, however, that it was not only Democrats gushing over Hillary at the hearing. Each, Republicans included, had to take valuable minutes from their allotted time to affirm their gratitude and admiration for her “service” and willingness to finally stop by and remind them what a bunch of eunuchs they are.
Rand Paul? Absolutely agree. Never a big fan of the Pauls, I am quickly turning into one of Rand’s biggest. I hope that doesn’t doom his chances for “higher” office!
Incidentally, maybe the House GOP should just cite Hillary for Contempt of Congress…that sure got Eric the Red Holder quaking in his boots. (Whatever happened to that, by the way?)
I think it is pretty obvious Rand is probably going to run President. He has a lot of people taking a good look at him right now probably. And it is really no secret what he is doing, being a real Conservative.
McCain and Lyndsey Grahmnasty want to waste another billion(s) invading another far away place? Rand Paul calls them morons and not real Conservatives. Chris Christie supports funding for different pet projects across the country included in his Hurricane Sandy Bill? Rand Paul calls him an idiot and not a true Conservative.
And also not being a complete jelly fish like most of the the Republicans are and actually standing up to the left wing. Or even attacking first. Basically he is everything the MSM can’t stand.
The MSM already has that big ol’ fat race card ready to pull out on him from his 2010 on the MSNBC Maddow show interview when asked about the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Rand basically said he isn’t a fan of provisions in the Act regarding private property rights be made into public, and that obviously he agrees with the Civil Rights Act as a whole though.
Of course like a pack of rabid dogs the MSM and Democrat Party pounded Rand. ” ZOMG Rand Paul wants to end the Civil Rights Act!!!” I’m sure most of you remember this incident though. Don’t think it won’t be forgotten by when he runs. Here is a link to the story below-