Recess appointments, executive orders, you gotta problem whit dat . . . well say hello to my leetle friend>
As one reads of or hears the various media accounts of yesterday’s Appeals Court
ruling that Obama’s non-recess recess appointments were unconstitutional,
there’s not likely to be any reference to this story from 2007 when a different
president was in office.
In order to block President Bush from making appointments during the Senate
recess that year, Sen. James Webb came into the Chamber every morning, pounded
the gavel to “open a pro forma session” and immediately pounded the gavel again
to adjourn the session for the day.
For the media, it was great fun. Bush was thus unable to make any recess
appointments, and that was a beautiful thing for the Democrats and their buddies
in the media.
Our would-be dictator isn’t burdened by such gimmicks. He doesn’t see much of a
role for Congress in governance anyway and he certainly doesn’t think there are
any limitations on his appointment powers… and the Democrats are OK with that.
Fox News (National TV) is more likely to report Democrat views accurately than ABC/NBC/CBS, and their derivatives, report Republican views. Unfortunately Shepard Smith is one from Fox’s stable of reporters that seem to be auditioning for one of the anchor desks at ABC/NBC or CBS. He frequently adopts their spin, and is usually unbecoming in his snarky presentations no matter what he is reporting on. Listening to the Fox Radio (national fed) regarding the unanimous Appellate Court decision regarding recess appointments, Smith lead the story with words to the effect that the President’s critics won on a “technicality.” Sheesh.
I also note that the Fox Radio national feeds typically adopt the AP or mainstream type spin ion a given story — indicating to me they are lazy at best. Those feeds are picked up by local radio stations and the narrative becomes set. R Mall
I love how the Huffington Post/Democrat Underground/MSNBC crowd love to scream about Fox. Faux News!!! Fox News isn’t news!! Fox News Lies!
Have you guy ever really looked at all the Democrats that work for Fox? Bob Beckell, Juan Williams, Colmes, Kirsten Powers, Lanny Davis, Joe Trippi, Evan Bayh, Santita Jackson, Dennis Kucinich…..this is just off the top of my head. There are several more tha I am missing. Beck was right a couple years ago when he saud Fox was chock full of Libs.
That is a useful list to have available. Throw in Shepard Smith whether he admits to it or not. better yet throw him out. Can any other network claim such a number of high profile conservatives as regular contibutors?
Oh and it’s cool about Obama doing this. I was listening to Hannity while driving yesterday and he sprang the news on Coulter who was a guest on the show (who had previously been unaware of the ruling) and she said it was within Obama’s Executive Power.
Sheesh does she not know that the decision was unanimous and that the appointments were definitively not during a recess??