What the heck is Karl Rove up to . . . is he trying to get a stronger more electable Democrat to run by knocking Ashley Judd out of the race early? Is he trying to deny red-blooded Americans a spectacle with Democrats in the focus?
Politico (link here) and The O’Reilly Factor and other outlets had stories yesterday about the debut Wednesday of a Kentucky ad buy undertaken by the Karl Rove associated American Crossroads superPAC directed against actress Ashley Judd. It is supposedly a preemptive political strike.

Rove out to quash Bug actress Ashley Judd. Sorry we can’t offer imbedded visuals of her or an equally politically fearsome Kate Upton. You will have to go to the links (Internet, not golf).
Daughter of country singer Naomi Judd, star of really bad movies like Bug, willing to do nude scenes at the drop of a hat, ardent abortion proponent, liberal Hollywood type loon, Ms Judd is reportedly being courted to run for the Democrat nomination for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Republican minority leader Mitch McConnell. Seriously.
Certainly vox populi in some states are quite capable of advancing really horrendous people to statewide office, but more so in oxygen deprived blue states, and that does not quite describe sanguine Kentucky.
Politics and references to sexual terminology is nothing new. Certainly politicians are accused of being prostitutes all the time, but that is not usually in reference to public sexual displays. More like acting like one around backroom lobbyists. But some, like New Jersey Democrat Senator Robert Menendez, are credibly accused (enough to get the FBI involved.) of prostitution from the other direction, paying for sex, rather than only getting money for screwing the public. Perhaps Menendez felt frequent trips to the Dominican Republic and clandestine involvement with underage female prostitutes was no different than perverting the future financial well-being of Stateside youth.
But as far as we know Ashley Judd would be the first U.S. Senate candidate who has a history of getting paid for nude sex scenes in movies and flashing the press. Imagine the effect the satirists might have after she gets the nomination. Hell, imagine the fun the press photographers will have. And yet we are told that because of her celebrity, Democrat operatives are seriously interested in having the Tennessee resident become a Kentucky resident after twenty years absence, become the Democrat nominee and take on Mitch McConnell.
And while she may be seriously interested in a seriously delusional way, supposedly serious Republican political operatives are supposed to be seriously worried? And if they are seriously spending donor money to have a little fun as Karl Rove tries to laugh off this latest boondoggle, well we are seriously embarrassed about the waste and question why anyone would seriously feel the need to donate to a group that wastes their money that way.
As mentioned earlier the justification posited for Rove’s ad buy is that of “clever preemptive strike” to help ol’ Mitch McConnell right now. Pardon us but we think Rove’s Judd thing has flop sweat all over it. We think the motivation is more “do something quick to get conservatives off my back over the Conservative Victory Project.”
That effort is intended to organize a lot of money toward the end of culling supposedly unelectable Republicans from the primary process. Rove also says that the purpose is intended to elect the most conservative candidate that can win. In spite of denials we think it more a good ol’ boy effort to protect incumbents, the establishment answer to The Senate Conservatives Fund, founded by former South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint.
We have critiqued Karl “The Farmer” Rove’s mistaken attempt at applying animal husbandry to Republican primary matters because we feel it will only foment distrust, not domestication, and likely stampede the livestock (conservatives) to a more hospitable place. But assuming his methods can help a party, and disregarding the horrid opinion it suggests of Republican primary voters overall, how reasonable is it to do the same for Democrats if his overall goal is to help Republicans? Does his effort with Ashley Judd not have the effect of culling their herd? And if she is their strongest candidate what the hell is he wasting money on Kentucky for anyway?
If he is so worried that Republicans will nominate a weak candidate, should he not be in favor of the Democrats nominating one?? Along that line of reasoning the logical approach would be to conveniently let the Democrats nominate someone like Ashley Judd. Ibn other words stay silent while your enemy is busy destroying itself. She can drain liberal money and not be a serious threat.
Why throw good Republican money on a specific negative campaign about an ultimately weak Democrat candidate? If the money is burning a hole in his pocket may we suggest inoculating voters in a way that benefits all Republicans or undermines all Democrats? Likewise if it is to divert attention from the grassroots outrage over his Conservative Victory Project it is a waste of money.
Even a Brer Rabbit gambit of throwing some money in opposition to Ashley Judd now, to make Democrats believe we are worried so they will nominate her, is wasteful. I do not think they are that stupid. They can look at her movie and tabloid creds. She is more valuable for her star power on the side than the glare of an actual candidacy.
An Ashley Judd candidacy will destroy itself. If it seriously does not then we need to seriously recruit Kate Upton. She has vague Republican lineage and that may be all Rove is really serious about of late. R Mall
I like this strategy of Rove taking a proactive approach to undermining Judd (and thanks for linking her flashing clip to btw). I have two word for those who are rolling there eyes at me for saying this: Stuart Smalley.
We all laughed when we heard this lunatic was running for the Senate in Minnesota. I mean we all got a real good kick out of it, remember? Norm Coleman was a lock to win. Air American loon with no experience who was never funny on Saturday Night Live. But he ended up winning (well it’s pretty obvious voter fraud helped) and resides in the Senate today.
So be careful laughing at this ad too much.
We believe in allowing the Democrats to run the weakest candidate and actually fighting their candidate (whoever) competently. Early Republican money should be spent to inoculate voters, build general support for conservatism, and negatives on liberalism, and tie the Democrat to liberalism during the general election.