Photo credit “nonadabove”‘ Photo Bucket
This is an important piece at American Spectator which really puts the Karl Rove controversy in stark perspective. It’s a long column and certainly is written from a definite viewpoint. It is so well documented, however, that it would be extremely revealing to see the Rove fans attempt to dispute it.
In the last couple of days, I’ve read columns by leftist writers recounting the disputes raging in the GOP. In each they do not fail to repeat Bobby Jindal’ s pejorative quote apparently asserting what he and the Establishment think of conservatives who share the views of the Tea Party: We are the “stupid” branch of the GOP. I believe that characterization could be accurate if we buy into Karl Rove’s “movement.”
Unless dedicated supporters of the Tea Party mobilize, America’s future is, indeed, lost. The Establishment GOP is on the march and the media will do what it can to help them.
Thanks, this piece is worth reading.
Congratulations! 3 of the last 10 Veritas Pac stories have been whining about Karl Rove. You are now entering Daily Kos/Democrat Underground/Huffington Post territory in Karl Rove obsessiveness!
We have only just begun. All Rove all the time. the anti-Rove network. Seriously he has foisted himself as the conservative issue of the month. . Our purpose is “helping keep Republicans true to a conservative agenda” it even made it to the masthead. Karl Rove with his money raising potential is in a position to do a lot of good, or waste a lot of money with poor focus, or even harm. Certainly we are not the only critics of his direction. Being part of the “strategy’ that arguably gave us Obama — taking a pathetic above the fray posture in Bush’s last two years, picking on Steve King (who I have significant disagreements with as regards business as usual politics – ethanol and wind boondoggles) spending money to turn Dems away from Ashley Judd. While we believe his advice is overrated and do not want his current direction to dominate, we are happy to evaluate his views on their merits, we think we have and will continue to do so as long as his efforts are relevant.
Well in that case, lets party!
MC Rove !!
Gosh, “Roy”. I fear that perhaps Veritas is embarassing you by being so “disrespectful” toward the GOP’s “Conservative Lion”. It should be more of a “compassionate conservative” blog, I guess.