Appalled & Appalling


The Daily Beast Wednesday: Internal emails in the week following the 9-11 anniversary assault on the U.S. facility in Benghazi show the White House and State Department removed references to al Qaeda and the mention of other recent attacks in Benghazi from widely distributed talking points used to explain the incident to the public, according to a new report from five House Republican committee chairmen released Tuesday afternoon.


Mitt Romney’s all star retreat

WASHINGTON — Mitt Romney this morning announced a series of high-profile speakers who will address a retreat that the former Republican presidential nominee is putting together in June.

The list of speakers includes some surprising names, including David Axelrod, one the masterminds behind President Obama’s campaign to defeat Romney last year. At various points during the campaign, Axelrod accused Romney of being secretive, dishonest, and “living on a different planet.” . . .

“As I indicated in your invitation, I have drawn speakers from government and business to identify key opportunities ahead,” Romney writes. “And I have made sure to invite presenters from both sides of the aisle.”

Key opportunities?!   Is it all a game Mitt??  Barely six months after the election and you are holding these people up to good and honest repute.  Why?  The country does not need lessons in bipartisanship, it needs examples of principled politicians, the loyal opposition maybe, but not good old boy backscratching.   DLH with R Mall

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2 Responses to Appalled & Appalling

  1. Roy Munson says:

    Wow. 6 months ago Axelrod told anyboy who would listen that Romney had tax havens in unknown lands, put his dog on top of his car for 4 days, hates half of the country and basically called him a racist.

    Why would Romney do this? This is like Al Gore or John Kerry giggling and hanging out with Rove. The whole thing is absurd.

    And the freak LA Mayor invited also??

  2. Gus says:

    Romney’s “retreat”? Heck, he began that months ago along with Reince and gang. It’s accelerating as we speak.

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