A favorite pastime of mine is to present his own comments to illustrate almost daily what an ignorant, insensitive buffoon this country has for a Vice President. And, tragically to lament the fact that, as embarrassing for America as Joe Biden is, he would likely be less destructive to the nation…even less embarrassing… as President than the current White House occupant.
At a recent fundraiser for the Volunteer Lawyers Project, which is co-chaired by his daughter Kathleen, Biden made this comment about women coming of age:
He spoke of the wonders of having granddaughters:
“All you women out there: Daughters are wonderful. Granddaughters are betters.” He lamented, though, that they grow up. “When they’re 12 to 14, a dad puts his beautiful little daughter to bed. And then the next morning, there’s a snake in the bed.” DLH