At first we thought, hold your own umbrella, you jerk. What pomposity . . . move it inside, or have Erik Holder do it. In spite of what the Squids say, Marines are not Sea Going Bellhops. The Marine was requisitioned to do something male members off the military are not allowed to do in uniform, carry an umbrella.
And then we remembered Obama has a problem figuring umbrellas out.
But appearances and tradition are not concepts this President honors.
Friend Joe M quipped a caption for the top photo. “Does anyone know the Drill & Ceremonies Command for cover up the asshole? ”
The reaction from military veterans I am in contact with was “uniformly” that they were appalled by Obama requesting or allowing uniformed military guards, not only because of the offense to tradition and military standards of the uniformed military but to the office of commander in chief. Plenty of obsequious civilian aides were present to hold the umbrellas.