It was disclosed this week that Christine O’Donnell, 2010 Delaware Republican Senate Candidate, bête noire of the Republican establishment, was victimized by the IRS. Of course it takes a really treacherous class of people to independently walk up and twist the knife after a backstabbing. That would be certain Republican establishment political consultants. According to the Washington Times :
On March 9, 2010, the day she revealed her plan to run for the Senate in a press release, a tax lien was placed on a house purported to be hers and publicized. The problem was she no longer owned the house.
The article indicates that false information about a lien and foreclosure was placed in her file and then the information released. Indeed that has been admitted by the IRS. The scandal includes the issue of safeguards to prevent the ability to do such political sabotage. Senator Chuck Grassley as ranking member of the Senate Finance committee is investigating the matter. But there is political scandal by Republicans as well.
The report, vigorously denied by O’Donnel, was a great distraction and adversely impacted her campaign. Republican establishment types, upset that someone they deemed too conservative (i.e. actually observant of the Republican platform) had the temerity to seek and then win the Republican nomination, disregarded her denial, jumped on the report and aggressively amplified the false information. The back shooting was an effort to throw the race, to discourage support, in order to in their view “cut the loss.”
She had embarrassed the establishment by winning the nomination in the first place, she was a Tea Party candidate, non-saluting Tea Party candidates needed to be put in their place. Keep in mind that the year was 2010, a year when February predictions of November peril were already made suspect by contemporaneous polling trends. 2010 was a banner year for Republicans across the country.

Possible unadulterated images of Karl Rove or local toad Steve Grubbs? Baron Silas Greenback from Danger Mouse. The world’s most villainous toad.
It was neither innocent or a difficult decision for establishment types to help Democrats defeat her. Which is what the Republican establishment did. Exculpatory information existed. But the establishment poison toads led by Karl Rove would not abide by her, even by simple silence, and went about doing the dirtiest of work. They piled on. By the way, shades of that sort of treachery exist in the lead up to primaries. Establishment types hobble a disfavored conservative incumbent with the most egregious of attacks. We will elaborate more on that in the future.
R Mall from news forward by DLH
Are we really still beating the Christine O’Donnell dead horse? Any time you have to run a campaign ad saying you’re not a witch you probably are a crappy candidate. Not saying what happened to her here in this piece was right, but she just sucked. Heck for all we know she could have turned out just like Marco Rubio! Just be thankful we got Rand Paul and Mike Lee in 2010. And be thankful for uncle Ted last year.
The article was triggered by the revelation of corruption in the IRS , the prime example was what happened to Christine O. She was innocent as regards a major talking point used against her that undercut her bonafides.
Consultants who pull the kind of thing that Rove did are seedy little bastards. He could have checked it out himself and made a timely correction, he did not. He tried to walk back his back stabbing tantrum a little after Rush and other conservatives called him to task. Still waiting to see the apology from him on this definitive revelation. If she were a liar than say so before during and after. I do not want people of comparatively poor integrity (we can’t ask too much from the political class). But adopting Democrat talking points, or grossly distorting to the degree of essentially lying should be punished. The truth about the perps should be told.
As to Roves acumen, (the guy who gave us a month of Bush chopping wood at the ranch in 2007 when Republicans were being excoriated without effective response) . . . it does not matter that she would not have won anyway, or even whether she was the best candidate. He helped Democrats defeat her on false or grossly distorted charges. Her personnel ineptitude is no worse than many a Republican politician I have observed. Candidates he has shilled for could be made to look as bad. And electability failure predictions are made self-fulling by his own spread of falsity.
We never see the likes of his crap from Democrat consultants toward Maxine Waters and all the real idiots in that party. Christine O with all her defects represented a small government political revolution that the types he shills for are just as likely to propagate. She had to be stopped. Instead of helping package her (his supposed art) he helped Democrats destroy her . R Mall
This appears to be my Jill Biden twitter moment.