Press Release from Iowa Right to Life. More news stories here.
Today the Iowa Board of Medicine voted 8-2 to to establish a standard of medical care which would prohibit webcam abortion in the State of Iowa. Iowa Right to Life supports this rule and is pleased the Board acted on the request submitted by a number of medical professionals earlier this year to adopt this rule. This new rule is effective 35 days after its publication on October 2.
Iowa Right to Life first sounded the alarm about this method of abortion in 2008. Since 2010, over 27,300 Iowans have signed our petitions requesting the State end the practice of webcam abortion. It is abundantly clear Iowans stand behind the physicians requesting this rule and the Board of Medicine’s decision to adopt it. We commend them for acting today to raise the standard of care and protect countless women from this method of abortion.
This was a tremendous victory for women, the unborn, and the integrity of the medical profession. Iowa headquartered, Planned Parenthood of the Heartland (PPH) “pioneered’ web-cam abortion in Iowa. Iowa Right to Life immediately understood the terrible implications of web-cam abortions and worked vigorously to promote public response in support of rules and legislation to end the dangerous practice. Other states recognized the threat and pursued remedies as well, but all eyes have been on Iowa of late.
Pro-abortion enthusiasts and apologists, Iowa’s Democrat leadership, anticipating the hearing before the Iowa Board of Medicine, and in an exceptionally cringe inducing display of sacrilege, however perfectly in line with their general demeanor, held a prayer service in the Iowa Capitol rotunda in opposition to restrictions on the dangerous practice.
The “pray for abortion” story was first reported in by The Iowa Republican (TIR) (photo credit TIR) and was picked up nationwide in various publications. A video of the
preyer prayer service was also posted by TIR Scanning the responses to the report in various publications we noted an overwhelming theme of disgust with the pro-abortion preyers prayers.
As that story broke, our own Illustrious Senior Editor, Don Holmes, aka DLH responded yesterday with this commentary :
Maybe it was Rush Limbaugh from whom I heard it first, but whomever it might have been, it could not be a truer statement: “Feminism is a religion and abortion is its sacrament”. One might add that its patron saints include George Tiller, proud executioner of thousands of babies hours or minutes before their birth. While performing his service to women who did not wish to continue the life of their babies, “Dr.” Tiller made quite a few bucks. He did, also, pay with his life, gunned down in 2009 by what was described as an “anti-abortion activist”. (While, certainly and unequivocally, not condoning Tiller’s murder, or violence in any form, one must nevertheless wonder if somewhere thousands of tiny voices might be heard chanting, “do unto others…”)
The Abortion enthusiasts, and the Democratic Party, at last seem to be eager to embrace the grisly practice of abortion any time, any where, on demand, and paid for by others, as their religion, indeed, beseeching their “god ” also has an earthly presence. It is apparently The One, recently described by a celebrity acolyte as the “Lord and Savior”, Barack Obama. Here is their daily prayer to him divined by us, in order that they might be delivered from the evil “right-to-lifers.”
Our Father, Who art in Washington, hallowed be thy name, Barack;
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, in America, as it is in D.C.;
Give us this day our daily bread, our free contraceptives, our Obamaphones,
and forgive us our trespasses as we denounce those Republicans who would deny us our free stuff.
Lead us to the polls as often as Thou deem it necessary to keep thee in office and the abortion clinics open.
Lead us into temptation but deliver us from conservatives, Christians, believers in a right to life, and Constitution worshippers. Ah-men (and women)
Congratulations to Iowa Right to Life for generating some more powerful prayers, coupled with grass roots action in support of life. DLH and R Mall