Pithy Is As Pithy Does

Check out this report from Erick Erickson publisher of RedState.  He exposes not only the dripping establishment resentment directed at Ted Cruz for calling Republicans to task, but the grand duplicity of some of the same Senate Republicans (McCain) as regards “shutting down government.”

A pithy take away from the article includes a quote from Congressman Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma, who we previously highlighted here .

“conservatives in the House are giving Ted Cruz more support than his own Senate Republican colleagues . . .”Congressman Bridenstine accurately noted, “If Republicans vote for cloture, they are voting to enable Reid’s amendment to pass with a simple majority. This is effectively voting for ObamaCare.”

In this Newsmax article about the latest attempt by Speaker Boehner to “move on” from simply stopping the takeover of heath care by government, to bargaining over a delay of the individual mandate, came this point counterpoint from two respondents.

From Airborne:
Why don’t Repubs just let Obamacare happen? If it’s bad legislation, and I think it is, then let the people realize that and vote Repub in 2014. They are shooting themselves in the foot in 2014 by pressing for a delay in implementation. And I realize that Congress, and probably the unions will get out of Obamacare somehow, but the majority of voters won’t. Wise up Repubs!!!

REMREM responding:
You dope, once Obamacare is in place, there is no turning back. The train, even though it’s a wreck, will continue to wreck the US. You apparently don’t understand how it will be no turning back once it’s starts.

Bold typeface imparted by us to emphasize original.       R Mall

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One Response to Pithy Is As Pithy Does

  1. Gus says:

    Remember. Even though O’Care may, indeed, collapse , the only remedy possible at that point, is SINGLE PAYER, otherwise known as Socialized Medicine. Welcome to our Brave New World.

    (note: we wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for the exquisite leadership of a president whose wisdom is beyond all bounds of human intelligence, a Senate Majority Leader with such devilish good looks, and a House Minority Leader with incredible charm and grace.)

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