Would You Buy A Used Car From These People?


Always clever skewers of the Obamanation at http://hopenchangecartoons.blogspot.com/

Jonah Goldberg (in spite of our disappointment with him for siding with the cave-in caucus  regarding the funding of Obamacare) has come up with a great analogy regarding the Obama lie that Americans can keep their health insurance policies.

  Ah, but they’ll get better ones!

That appears to be the new rationalization for Obama’s bait-and-switch. “Right now all that insurance companies are saying is, ‘We don’t meet the requirements under Obamacare, but we’re going to offer you a better deal!'” explained Juan Williams on “Fox News Sunday.”

A better deal according to whom? Say I like my current car. The government says under some new policy I will be able to keep it and maybe even lower my car payments. But once the policy is imposed, I’m told my car now isn’t street-legal. Worse, I will have to buy a much more expensive car or be fined by the IRS. But, hey, it’ll be a much better car! Why, even though you live in Death Valley, your new car will have great snow tires and heated seats.

Read the entire article here, for more clever writing and insightful points.  You can’t write this sort of devastating critique and not be genuinely opposed to the government takeover of healthcare. But you can be oblivious to the fact that it is past time for business as usual if Republicans are in fact going to stop the inculcation of Obamacare.    Well done Jonah.   R Mall

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