Parsing Pi

Happy Pi Day from Time Magazine and Veritaspac:

March 14 (3/14) is Pi Day, which honors the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter. describes Pi, π or 3.14 for short, as an “irrational and transcendental number” that will “continue infinitely without repetition or pattern.”

pi-blueOK really high math might not be our forte . . . but . . . if something continues “infinitely”     . . .   though it sounds so elegant and instinctive related to the concept of a circle  . . . when you’re talk’n infinity . . . how can one know that a pattern would not emerge?  Just say’n.

truncated pie slice

truncated pie slice

Anyway, extending Pi’s digits to the rounding accuracy preferred by our high school math instructors, 3.1416 on our trusty slide rules back in the day . . .  and suggesting the 16 to represent the sixteenth hour … 4:00 PM becomes Pi time.  Make mine cherry.    R Mall

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