Liberal Bob Kerrey Calls Obama a Delusional Liar

This is compelling. I’ve never much cared for Kerrey (there’s a slogan to run on . . . “Cared for Kerrey”), but I digress. The former Nebraska Senator, Governor and war hero is one of the more thoughtful, articulate liberals… a big liberal in fact. His interview with a Brit newspaper, recounted in this Breitbart article by P.J. Gladnick is  devastating as far as Obama and his clown congressional caucus is concerned. I expect this will get wide coverage in the conservative media, but as the Breitbart article says, virtually none at all in the liberal media.

“The worst lie Democrats told about Obamacare, Kerrey reasoned, ‘is not “If you want to keep your health care plan…” – the worst one is, “Everybody deserves high-quality, affordable health care.”‘

‘Excuse me? Uh, I don’t know if you’ve heard about the bell curve?’ he snarked.

‘If I’ve got 1,000 doctors, 100 are great, and 100 are not so good.’

“He outlined the shape of a bell curve with his hands, and then threw them skyward.

‘It’s absolutely impossible,’ he said.

‘And affordable? Forget about it.’

“When the Affordable Care Act met its most vigorous Republican opposition in late 2009, the U.S. economy was still floundering and the business community’s eyes were focused on GDP growth, not a new set of health-benefit mandates.

Ah yes. The Bell Curve. Doesn’t Kerrey know that Obama is an American citizen…born and raised in Lake Woebegone, MN ? Where every child, certainly including Obama, is “above average”.

There is much more to read regarding Kerrey’s comments.  More fodder to gently shove  up set before your Democrat friends.      DLH

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