The Chicken Poop Issue Extends Beyond Iowa

We are all aware of Bruce Baley Braley’ chickensh*t problem.  David Lightman of McClatchy Newspapers explained it:  Senate seat might turn on chicken poop and hogs    Now we have this report of an Obama official critiquing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  From The Washington Examiner:

Add another item to the list of insults officials in the Obama administration have lobbed at Benjamin Netanyahu.

A senior Obama administration official recently described the Israeli prime minister as “chickenshit,” according to Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic . . .

A separate official told Goldberg that the administration believes Netanyahu to be a “coward” on the issue of Iran’s nuclear threat, no longer believing he would ever launch a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

OK then, so we thought a little comparison of the principals might be in order.  We note that pictures showing Obama being in touch with his girly side do not make him chickensh*t.  His record does.

Benjamin Netanyahu  and Barry Sotero (on right) as Obama was known then.

Benjamin Netanyahu and Barry Sotero (on right) as Obama was known then.

That’s Barack on the left in case you were confused. Same jeans, he wishes he had the tiera er, crown









Obama keeping up with the gorl, or running from hber

Obama keeping up with the burdened  girl, or maybe running from her

Netanyahu (on right) out for a jogNetanyahu (on right) out for a jog


Sorry, no pictures of Benjamin Netanyahu on a girls bike, or in a bicycle helmet or wearing mom jeans.

One wonders, as HJP would say, has Barry ever made a fist without his  . . .  in it?

One wonders, as HJP would say, has Barry ever made a fist without his . . . in it?








More commentary came in Thursday from Patriot Post about the “chickensh*t insult.  Keep in mind it was no-Berries who said “As long as I’m president of the United States, Iran will not get a nuclear weapon.”

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