Cake Instead of Pablum On Air Force One

Breitbart’s Charlie Spiering reports on President Obama serving cake to the press pool on Air Force One,

Obama Cancels Press Briefing; Gives Reporters Cake

“Can we give Josh the day off for Halloween?” Obama said during his brief visit to the press cabin. It appears, however, that reporters got some cake in return”

Obama-cake-460_788191cOK,  so as our esteemed senior editor DLH warned in dispatching this item to our secret blog bunker for further processing, that commenting  “‘ let them eat cake’  is too easy”  So we scanned a few articles from a couple of sources for appropriate comments. We are much too serious a publication to join in the guffaws.

Our favorite comments from readers of Breibart and elsewhere:

 Crude_Oil_Trader •  
O.M.G….Does the food goddess Michelle know about this???
Wait till the H.S. kids that are getting a daily dose of her forced Arugula and Broccoli hear this….Cake!

Ken Shaffin  • Wasn’t it Michelle Antoinette’s idea?

President Nimrod – He’s celebrating the press refusing to demand vote integrity.

That Steve Guy •  Yeah, right before a revolution if I remember my high school history correctly…

UNCLEELMO •  Josh Earnest needed a day off. Lying through your teeth can be exhausting, when you’re not a trained community organizer from Chicago.

MOLON LABE • This Really Happened: Media Lapdogs Accept Chocolate Cake From Obama In Exchange For No Questions… Obama: Let them eat cake!

DEFENDER • Now go easy this is the first time we find Obama doing something in which he is not in over his head, serving cake.

sickofitall? •  So no briefing and no questions on the just leaked deal with Iran….these MSM reporters should just hang it up and the words “Obama’s hore” tattooed on their foreheads

Merry Lou Masonry • It’s pretty pathetic when the president’s press secretary can’t handle the heat.

Jen Stroup –  Chocolate cake provides more to chew on than most press briefings.

OK we will have a go at it — caption the picture -“lap dogs of the media eating from the table.”     Not great but send yours in if you can do better.

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