Obama is Strangelove in more ways than one
Many of us know that Obama lies. Many Americans know that Obama has no one’s interests at heart but his own; certainly the interests of the people and the nation he serves are among the least of his concerns.
We have seen that he has no reservations about using any devious, illegal, unconstitutional means to advance his agenda. Amazingly, he has exhibited this openly, arrogantly, and unashamedly.
The past six years under Mr. Obama’s rule have been often scary, sometimes really creepy, and almost uniformly destructive.
But now, with the revelation that he has secretly communicated…perhaps beseeched or begged or pleaded, might be more appropriate terms… with the leader of one of the most evil regimes in world history, should chill the American people to the bone. This and the allegation that to attempt to free the alleged deserter, Bowe Bergdahl, Obama, again secretly, gave money to AlQaeda, must raise serious questions about what else has he done, in secret, that may have further jeopardized our national security.
This should, in the minds of even his most avid supporters, bring into question whether Obama has an agenda that is also secret and is against the interests of this country.
Excerpt from from Roger Simon writing at PJMedia: DLH
Letters to the Ayatollah: Obama’s ‘Keys to Paradise’
Ayatollah Khamenei is a man who has been leading the massive chants of “Death to Israel” (and the Jews) literally every day since 1979. Only a true anti-Semite could attempt to make a secret deal with such a person. Indeed, someone who would want to make a deal with Khamenei has about as much respect for human rights in general as Torquemada. That person would have to be an unmitigated liar and sociopath.
And such a person is our president, so desperate for an Iran deal he will literally do or say anything, so desperate to find some salvation for his failing presidency he will put not only Israel but the whole world at risk. It’s almost like a re-upped version of Dr. Strangelove with Peter Sellars as the ayatollah — he would have been great — and Obama himself riding the bomb at the end like Slim Pickens. Bon voyage, Mitch McConnell…. Arrivederci, John Boehner….Hasta la vista, Tea Party.