Heard any good ‘mayor’ jokes lately?
How about this one?: Baltimore Mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake named president of the US Conference of Mayors. Seriously.
That brings me to the next logical event in the series of notable laughers: Obama nominates Marilyn Mosby to succeed Scalia as Supreme Court Justice; McConnell supports Obama’s selection!
This stuff is now beyond parody! We did not hear about it until this AM on Fox & Friends that Rawlings-Blake had been “named” to head the US Conference of Mayors. I don’t know a lot about the USCofM, but whatever it is, something like this should humiliate them into extinction…until you learn that the outgoing president is Sacramento’s Kevin Johnson.
I don’t yet know how the USCofM’s president is “named”, but I expect I’ll waste some time researching it. There are about 1200 cities which qualify for membership in this august body (cities with more than 30,000 residents). I note that there were 300 in attendance at its gala this past weekend.
When I heard it on Fox this morning, I was nearly convinced it was a joke and I knew it had better be verified, hoping that Fox had not been suckered. I should have known better. This has become the norm…and that’s why my above reference to Mosby being nominated by Obama is not necessarily beyond the pale.

Bill Gluba shows his ass to freedom loving America, bowing to Chinese dictator (heir apparent) on American soil.
By the way — Davenport by its size qualifies for membership and the city’s illustrious mayor has been known to attend the group’s functions. However we kind of think that this year Mayor Gluba was busy attending to his own fiasco — not adequately reviewing large expenditures as much under his purview as anyone, and not offering to resign The mayor has time to foment burdening community resources including federal, state, and school districts taxpayers, with illegal immigrants using unenforceable assurances that they are “temporary” … but apparently not to review in a timely manner city contracts involving what should be standout line items indicating great amounts of money.
Look for him to be the group’s next inductee.
More reading here
DLH with R Mall.