This is precisely the kind of information the “science Pontiff” specifically excluded from his “intensive research” on “climate change”:
From the Patriot Post, Joe Bastardi writing:
Just two charts I would ask the pope to look at.
1.) Human progress: The amount of people, life expectancy and global personal GDP. These “hockey sticks” show that, since the advent of fossil fuels, the human condition has improved immensely.
2.) The factual record of CO2 and temperature in the geological history of the earth.
There is no apparent linkage, so why is CO2 suddenly the climate control knob when there were years with higher CO2 and lower temperatures?
I won’t go any further except to say I can’t believe his excellency, if exposed to this, would not at the very least question the positions he has adopted. It is my hope while he is here that he at least glances at other information such as this.
Joe Bastardi is chief forecaster at WeatherBELL Analytics, a meteorological consulting firm.
© Copyright 2015 The Patriot Post
Our only comment to Joe is that we are not so confident the Pope is interested. His main influence is liberation theology which is imbued with Marxist thinking. Climate change scares are useful as a vehicle for increasing the authority of United Nation’s tribunals, Agenda 21 regulations, pursuit of essentially a borderless world, the championing of wealth limitations and re-distribution, the managed society, all in Jesus’ name of course.
DLH and R Mall