Pope not “unfallable”

pope-tumble_3494633bMaybe not quite the same meaning but the images do not lie.

Pope trips up the steps in St Peter’s Square

Pope Francis shocked onlookers as he stumbles and falls on the steps in St Peter’s Square

Pope Francis stumbled and fell as he walked up steps in St Peter’s Square on Saturday, as he was on his way t.

The pontiff struck a prayer-like pose as he tumbled up the steps, stopping his fall with his hands before being helped by two security personnel walking beside him.

Now “struck a prayer like pose” is not bad and even “continued his ascent”  . . . nevertheless we see this as a missed opportunity by the Pope’s press people.  They should have been on top of this . Obama’s people would have never missed the opportunity to “model”  “reorient”  “spin” the occasion, politically . . . .probably to wit:


Prove otherwise.

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