Lord Have Mercy On us

From Judi McLeod writing at Canada Free Press  (regarding a detailed story sourced to LifeSite News). Our comments follow.

Vatican’s Climate Change Light Show, 21st Century Graffiti  

“The pontiff’s Jubilee Year of Mercy is turning out to be as big a crock as his claims that global warming and not Islamic terrorism is the world’s biggest threat.

“In this the second week of Advent—on the December 8 Feast of the Immaculate Conception no less—Pope Francis has invited climate-change partisans and population-control advocates to project on St. Peter’s Basilica, a Climate Change Light Show on the Mother of God’s most important feast day.”

Artistic rendering by Obscura Digital the company installing the climate change light show to be projected onto Rome's St Peter's basilica.

Artistic rendering by Obscura Digital the company installing the climate change light show to be projected onto Rome’s St Peter’s Basilica.

Which is it? Christmas is a “charade”, as Pope Francis has called it…or is Pope Francis a “charade”?

We are ready to go with the latter.

Secondary to this “humble” Pontiff’s concerns these days are “stuff” like, oh, abortion, poverty and oppression as imposed by brutal dictatorships like that in his native country, religion-based terrorism, fundamental Catholic doctrine…you know, things that Catholic “capitalists” “obsess” about.

His Holiness is instead concerned about THE most urgent threats to his flock’s welfare: “climate change”, the large amount of money Americans spend on their pets, the role of air conditioning in the plot to encourage global warming. He seems to fret, as well, over the reluctance of some in his church to fail to see the need for socialist/communist solutions to the globe’s economic travails.

One of the only differences we’ve detected between Pope Francis and President Obama is that Francis doesn’t use a teleprompter to issue his curiously incoherent pronouncements.

It will be interesting to see what Catholics attending Mass this weekend hear from their local parish leaders about Francis’s celebration of the “Year of Mercy” and the Christmas season…and “climate change”. (DENIERS, GET THEE TO CONFESSION, “I HAVE SINNED, MY LAST CONFESSION WAS…)

We wonder why limit such an inspirational project to but one day or one month. Why not make it a permanent display where the peace and earth-justice message of Barack Obama and Pope Francis can be absorbed year-round? And maybe the Chief Rabbis of Jerusalem should arrange a Cecil B DeMille quality epic projected onto the Wailing Wall?  We can see the future . . .








DLH with R Mall

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