The Wall Street Journal’s journalistic “imposture”
The Wall Street Journal’s second columnist in little more than a week mounts his “high horse” to try to trample Ted Cruz, destroy his candidacy, and apparently pave the way for the paper’s favorite, but woefully inept, JEB Bush.
This time it’s Bret Stephens, once a respected journalist, who took on the assignment from the Journal’s BFF’S…the US Chamber, and assorted fat-cat major donors to the GOPe.
Naturally, it is illegal immigration and Cruz’s commitment to restore a semblance of US sovereignty, that has really ‘chipped the Journal’s rock’.
For Mr. Stephens, this column is an embarrassment. It is obviously a work directed by the powers within the Establishment and reads as though written by a Stephens’ adolescent offspring:
“By now, illegal immigration is to the GOP what global warming is to the Democrats: the all-purpose bugaboo to explain nearly every problem and whose redress must be part of every solution”, according to Mr. Stephens.
While the full-throated defense of illegal immigration is THE motivation for the columnist’s nasty attack, Stephens throws in a gratuitous assault on “Cruz’s efforts to paint himself as a champion of civil liberties when it comes to his success in gutting the National Security Security Agency’s bulk telephony metadata collection program”.
But he doesn’t stop there: “…Mr. Cruz is closer to President Obama when it comes to fighting terrorism than he lets on.” Just to let us know that this no idle accusation, Stephens reminds us that Cruz voted against the latest Defense Authorization Act. But, of course, Stephens can’t be bothered with citing Cruz’s justification for doing so…after all, it might make sense on the Senator’s behalf if he had.
Stephens concludes his truly despicable tirade by calling Senator Cruz’s character into question: “Intelligence is never in question when it comes to the junior senator from Texas. Character is.”
Mr. Stephens, it appears that in your case, both of these qualities are in question!