It might not be anything he cares about, however . . . and if so . . . these are warnings from someone who does not want to see President Hillary:
- A good place to start would be for Trump to apologize to conservatives for his absurdities – (Democrats as absurd as they can be, don’t aim their absurdities at fellow Democrats)
- Trump should not give “mixed signals” on policy
- Those well known political celebrities who buoyed his campaign, if they care about their political credentials at all, need to have a Sunday go to meeting with Trump (they won’t)
This isn’t about meeting with Paul Ryan. The implication for Trump not pursuing unity is there will be little “logistical” support from at least 2/3 of the active Republican Party. Most of Trumps primary support came from disconnected nominal Republicans who have never been volunteers (yes he received some regular support but in my estimation no more than 10%). Primary rules are so loose now that in most states anyone easily entered with no effort or commitment, and gave Trump his margins. Such rules are the undoing of any meaningful political party, which has been happening to the Republican Party anyway, and which will likely now be accelerated, unless Trump shows an honest interest in unity. Trumps primary supporters will by and large not work for him. It is not in their blood, only crankiness. The party machinery is necessary.
Dear GOP: I’ve Decided To Start Seeing Other Parties
Actual conservatives were already on the edge with tolerance of the Republican party “establishment”
Trump should apologize — and it should not be limited to Cruz:
Talking heads who claim conservatism, and who were so clearly in the tank for Trump, should discontinue the coverup of their own supposed objectivity, if they want credibility and want to have any influence beyond the existing Trump support. It would help unify the party if they stopped calling Trump’s opponents liars. Even more importantly now, it is their duty to hold Trump to his primary positions.
More recommendations to come
R Mall