WSJ all in for Hillary

Wall Street Journal part of the same tribe, just different band, as WaPo.


WSJ editorial page columnists playing penny ante

“Happily there’s still time for Republicans, at their convention,to replace Mr. Trump with someone else, though this will require continued help from Mr. Trump. But he’s working on it. On Monday he ordered his staff to double down on vilifying Judge Curiel. He said on TV that a hypothetical Muslim judge might also be unfit to preside. And when and if the Trump U. cases proceed to trial before a jury, whole voting blocs (women) will be on the edge of their seats to find out if they’re disqualified because Mr. Trump previously insulted them.”  Holman W. Jenkins, Wall Street Journal, June 8, 2016

Put another way, Mr. Jenkins, VOTE FOR HILLARY!

Note: The Wall Street Journal has poorly concealed its slobbering support for open borders, secretly crafted Obama “trade deals”, and the full Washington establishment/crony capitalist agenda. It is now, however, stepping its game up to attack the expressed preference of millions of Republican voters, social and fiscal issues conservatives, and Americans in general who seek to preserve some semblance of a free nation.



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