Comparing (excerpts) Bush’s and Obama’s comments at Dallas memorial

  • Side by side remarks
  • Bush “dancing”

Bush focused on the police vocation, the dead’s courage. Obama’s message was in part an acknowledgement of that but more importantly for him, he used the opportunity to launch another critique of the USA. While acknowledging a better way than killing, words to that effect, the underlying implication,  the message he wanted out there, was that the struggle goes on, that the assassin was really driven to it.   Did I misinterpret the remarks?

Good work by

Liberal trolls were all over themselves decrying that during the singing of Battle Hymn of  the Republic Bush was “dancing” goofy or inappropriately jocular. Just google – Bush_dancing_Dallas, and see what you get.

But reviewing the tape, Bush had delivered somber remarks. But the Battle Hymn of the Republic is not a somber song. It is glorious martial music, a march, which is what his hands were moving two. He was filled with the spirit. But for irreligious liberal trolls, anything to take attention away from critiques of Obama’s tendentious speech.

We will say this, Bush is much too affable with those people.

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