A pleasant distraction from DNC speeches
Here is a collection of links and excerpts from three recent articles responding to Obama’s claims at the DNC convention, Hillary and her platform.
The Daily Wire: 9 Biggest Lies Obama Told In His DNC Speech We excerpt the first correction. – the other 8 are listed — in each case readers will find links to substantiate the corrections.
1. Obama painted a rosier picture of the economy than it really is. “After the worst recession in 80 years, we’ve fought our way back,” Obama said. “We’ve seen deficits come down, 401(k)s recover, an auto industry set new records, unemployment reach eight-year lows, and our businesses create 15 million new jobs.”
• Ronald Reagan inherited a worse economy than Obama.
• According to USA Today, while deficits have declined under Obama, “they are expected to rise again soon under his proposed budget.” Additionally, as The Daily Wire editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro explains here, Obama completely “blew out” the deficit to $1 trillion in first year in office and created a $4 trillion budget, doubling the $2 trillion budget preceding him. He then reduced the budget to $3.5 trillion–not as much, but absurdly high. The overall debt is now over $19 trillion in debt.
• It is natural for 401(k)s to recover on their own after a recession. But the Obama administration is pushing regulations that would drive people into government-run retirement accounts.
• The Federal Reserve’s “easy money” practices have resulted in an artificially inflated auto industry that’s being set up for disaster.
• The unemployment figure is incredibly misleading since it’s not including those that have dropped out of the workforce.
• The 15 million jobs number is also misleading without context, and there’s actually a 14 million “jobs gap,” according to Investor’s Business Daily.
2. Obama lied about the troops . . .
3. He also lied about the success of his diplomacy. . . .
5. Obama also lied about Clinton’s foreign policy credentials. . . .
6. Obama says “that illegal immigration and the crime rate are as low as they’ve been in decades.” . . .
7. Obama said Clinton knows “that democracy doesn’t work if we constantly demonize each other.” Clinton has characterized Republicans as her enemies, and has demonized the victims of her husband’s sexual philandering as well as the victim of a brutal rapist. Clinton has built her political legacy on demonizing others. . . .
8. Obama also said that Clinton “knows that acknowledging problems that have festered for decades isn’t making race relations worse – it’s creating the possibility for people of good will to join and make things better.” . . .
9. Obama thinks that “our country is stronger and more prosperous than it was when we started.” . . .
The Washington Examiner: Really? You want to listen to Clinton for four years? (excerpt)
The Democrats’ thin presidential field set them up for the inevitable choice of an uninspired and uninspiring candidate, who is already well-defined in the public mind as a political hack. She is not only the status quo candidate, but also a person characterized by incessant, self-serving lies, unbounded venality and the evident belief that rules are for people less important than herself.
This week’s convention has been an effort to reinvent Clinton — how many times has that been tried? — but it was a waste of their time.
More here
Americans for Tax Reform Full List of Hillary’s Planned Tax Hikes (excerpt)
Hillary Clinton has made clear she intends to dramatically raise taxes on the American people if elected. She has proposed an income tax increase, a business tax increase, a death tax increase, a capital gains tax increase, a tax on stock trading, an “Exit Tax” and more (see below). Her planned net tax increase on the American people is at least $1 trillion over ten years, based on her campaign’s own figures.
Hillary Clinton has made clear she intends to dramatically raise taxes on the American people if elected. She has proposed an income tax increase, a business tax increase, a death tax increase, a capital gains tax increase, a tax on stock trading, an “Exit Tax” and more (see below). Her planned net tax increase on the American people is at least $1 trillion over ten years, based on her campaign’s own figures.
More reading related to Hillary’s tax plans are at the artical above and at High Tax Hillary.com
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