Here’s a fresh report from the Washington Free Beacon:
Report: U.S. Army Manipulated Its Accounting Entries by Trillions of Dollars
The U.S. Army manipulated its accounting entries by trillions of dollars in an attempt to make its books appear balanced, making it impossible to uncover how the branch spends taxpayer money, according to a government audit. Reuters reported Friday, citing a June report from the Defense Department’s Inspector General: The Army made $2.8 trillion in wrongful adjustments to accounting entries in one quarter alone in 2015, and $6.5 trillion for the year. Yet the Army lacked receipts and invoices to support those numbers or simply made them up. The report concluded that the Army’s 2015 financial statements were “materially misstated” ….
It is obvious to anyone paying anything more than cursory attention that there is no agency of the federal government, after seven years of Obama’s administration which can be trusted at all and few if any which have not done incredible damage to the prosperity, security, and the moral and cultural identity of this nation.
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We don’t make this stuff up:
At first one might think that Obama has a recruiting arm which has extraordinary resources. and an uncanny ability to find and recruit people of the lowest competence level ever defined in human history for the administration’s key positions.
Name a federal agency and one can easily cite at least one major incidence of malfeasance, simple gross incompetence, deception, corruption, or rampant criminal behavior:
* EPA- the “River of Gold”, when 880,000 lbs. of toxic waste was unleashed over vast areas of Colorado and adjoining states along the Animus River in 2015 — due to pure indifference, incompetence, and arrogance of the agencies’ head, the mouthy, tough talking Gina McCarthy, and her “experts”. The spill at the Gold King Mine was grotesque due to the degree of ineptness displayed by the EPA. Any private firm guilty of anything close to this “human-caused” disaster would be bankrupt and its management serving time. No action has been taken against any agency official or employee or is contemplated.
For the EPA it is the perfect metaphor for the entire “Obama Mistake”, the election of that guy twice. He promised the American people in so many words, a “River of Gold” under his rule…and that’s what we got! Gold King Mine Disaster
* DOJ– Eric Holder followed by Loretta Lynch, the two most corrupt Attorneys General (our opinion) in American history. Holder, cited for contempt of Congress for just one of his many proven lies to Congress and the American people and long history of corruption under two Democratic presidents; not prosecuted by his subordinates in the Justice Dept. (what a surprise that was); Loretta Lynch, who successfully completed Mr. Holder’s work of making the FBI a laughing stock who doesn’t recognize ‘obstruction of justice’ when it takes over the J. Edgar Hoover bldg. and introduces itself. (Congratulations to Ms. Lynch, however, for at least exposing FBI Director Comey for the political hack he is).
* Department of Defense– This piece begins with the not-so-shocking revelation that the Pentagon found a bunch of accountants to help the Dept. of the Army find a way to conceal the spending of taxpayer funds in amounts of truly biblical proportions!
Folks, that’s not mere unimaginably gross incompetence. That is financial criminality of a magnitude never before seen in Washington. TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS and NO ACCOUNTABILITY!
* State Dept., Health and Human Services, Dept. of Labor, Homeland Security, IRS…Oh really. Is it necessary to go on; to recount the ways and the names of the Obama minions, in which and by whom the United States in just 7 short years has been “fundamentally transformed” into a third world dictatorship, led by a “community organizer” admired (yet laughed at as well) by the world’s biggest despots and supported by our own mainstream press?
Yes. It is all in the recruitment of “qualified” people to accomplish what Obama has. People “qualified” by their contempt for this nation and its people, willing to achieve evil ends by lying, willful ignorance, arrogant self-service, greedy indifference toward the consequences of their actions. Obama has found such people in abundance.