A very cursory observance while riding around Bettendorf and Davenport yesterday doing errands raises the question — where are the political yard signs of any kind ?
The unseemly vote early push is being made by both parties but we see few yard signs from either party’s candidates as we would expect a week after Labor Day. County candidates seem to have signs in place more so than anyone. We have seen a relatively few presidential, more so Hillary, and very few state legislative candidates – mostly Lofgren for State Senate (an excellent candidate). We expected more signs to be out for US Senate, US House, and other races from both parties.
Regrettably there are no Republican candidates in HD 89 to oppose incumbent Lykam or HD 90 to oppose Cindy Winkler, nor is there a Republican to oppose Democrat Auditor Moritz. There is no Democrat opposition to oppose Republican Mohr in HD 94. So we have to a degree answered our own question, no candidates, no signs. The Republican dearth is not smart politics or monetarily efficient.
R Mall