The under the radar election — where are all the yard signs?

screen-shot-2016-09-13-at-3-00-01-pmA very cursory observance while riding around Bettendorf and Davenport yesterday doing errands raises the question — where are the political yard signs of any kind ?

The unseemly vote early push is being made by both parties but we see few yard signs from either party’s candidates as we would expect a week after Labor Day. County candidates seem to have signs in place more so than anyone. We have seen a relatively few presidential, more so Hillary, and very few state  legislative candidates – mostly Lofgren for State Senate (an excellent candidate).  We expected more signs to be out for US Senate, US House, and other races from both parties.

screen-shot-2016-09-13-at-5-01-08-pmRegrettably there are no Republican candidates in HD 89 to oppose incumbent Lykam or HD 90 to oppose Cindy Winkler, nor is there a Republican to oppose Democrat Auditor Moritz. There is no Democrat opposition to oppose Republican Mohr in HD 94.  So we have to a degree answered our own question, no candidates, no signs. The Republican dearth is not smart politics or monetarily efficient.

R Mall

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