Sometimes there are quotes that are so accurate, so biting, so memorable that they overshadow all the world’s events for a generation:
“The United Nations “began as a moral force and has become a moral farce…” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (at the UN!)
And then there are quotes that are so inane, so foolish, yet so revealing that a decision to react with a cry or a LOL becomes a dilemma:
“Explaining why she works at the Clinton Foundation and for other non-profits, Chelsea confessed, in Marie Antoinette style, that “I was curious if I could care about [money] on some fundamental level, and I couldn’t.” She cared enough, though, to purchase a $10.5 million Manhattan apartment not long ago rather than, say, rent a flat in the Bronx.”____ Victor Davis Hanson (graphic not in original). Read the entire VDH article, America’s Versailles Set . It is delightful.