Clinton life of deceit — Michael Walsh

Writing at the New York Post Michael Walsh summarizes some of the revelations from WikiLeaks about Hillary Clinton and her apparat.

Leaked emails reveal Hillary Clinton’s life of deceit   (excerpts)

Among the many telling kernels of truth dappling the spoor of the Hillary Clinton campaign’s internal e-mails released by WikiLeaks this past week, this one immediately leaped out:

“Politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody’s watching . . . then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position.”

The sausage maker was Mrs. Clinton, giving one of her $225,000 speeches that she’s so long sought to conceal from the public, The distinction between the public and private Hillary is masked partly via her cozy relationships with reporters -— whether her aides are planting stories with sympathetic journalists, sneaking a peek at debate questions in advance or just keeping their ear to the ground: “I just wanted to make sure John Podesta had a heads up that his name will be in a story concerning the White House’s ethics policy, which could run on Monday,” wrote Washington Post White House bureau chief Juliet Eilperin in a March 21, 2015, e-mail to an Obama staffer.

images-1Walsh goes on to list more of what has been exposed of her duplicity and bigotry and the complicity of the media:

  • About the maneuvering to move the Illinois primary date and the reward system of the Democrat party
  • Her two personas
  • On favors (pay to meet)
  • The dream of open borders
  • On Catholics and bigotry toward religious conservatives
  • Collusion with the media and more
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