They need to remove the plank from their own eyes
At the Federalist today: Progressives now using fake election news to self-soothe

NBC, CBS, ABC, NYT, MSNBC, CNN etc., etc.
The article analyses a revealing item by Zach Schonfeld writing in Newsweek titled: “Dispatches From The Alternate Universe Where Hillary Clinton Won,” Schonfeld compiles excerpts from pre-written news stories anticipating the former secretary of State’s victory. It is hilarious
It gets funnier
There is the fake news disseminater-in-chief Barack Obama who Just Praised The ‘Great Work’ Of A Notorious Fake News Outlet
Days after criticizing the proliferation of fake news online, President Barack Obama openly praised the “great work” of a notorious fake news.
That would be Rolling Stone magazine which has a judgement against it for millions for an irresponsible story it wrote.
And then we have the not so funny proliferation in mainstream media of a false narrative about Obama’s Iran Nuke deal. AIM makes the point that the treaty is not in effect but that the usual suspects are intent on portraying it as a fait accompli and irreversible.
Fake News Sites Continue False Claim about the Iran Nuke Deal
Then we have the good and thorough folks at News Busters reporting that
94% of Networks’ Castro Coverage Ignores His ‘Economic Disaster’
It is the sort of thing, falsehood, bias, cover-up that inspires us to tell the mainstream media: YOU DON”T HAVE MUCH ROOM TO TALK ABOUT “FAKE NEWS”