Self-reflection and Dick Durbin

Word is Dick Durbin can’t be seen in a mirror?

More stupid things said by Dick Durbin “First and foremost, it stays true to the President’s call that if you like what you have you can keep it.’

Putting one’s thoughts into print is like weighing yourself in front of a mirror. It’s hard to lie when you’re lookin’ at it. When an opinion shows up in black and white sometimes I wonder, “Is that REALLY what I believe? I’m not sure that makes sense.” Like seeing the belly in the mirror. The mind sees the contradiction. “I’m talking out of both sides of my mouth. I don’t want to be that guy.” What to do?

  1. The easiest (or hardest) thing to do is just un-see the contradiction. Never happened. Just go with it.
  2. Re-examine the opinion, maybe that really is true. Might require examination of some other contradictions.
  3. Admit you are wrong, find out what is true and form a new opinion.
    Every self aware person does this all the time. Because it’s easy to lie to others, yourself, not so much.

Then there is Illinois’ U.S. Senator Dick Durbin. Here are two quotes from the senator. The first is from a press release regarding a federal grant for Head Start: “We know that a child’s first years are the most crucial in their brain development. Early Head Start ensures children have the strong educational foundation they need to succeed from elementary school to college and beyond,”

The second quote from Senator Durbin is in response to President Obama’s proposal to bring in “ONLY” 10,000 Syrian refugees: “As far as I am concerned, I believe we should be prepared to accept 100,000 — 100,000 Syrian refugees.”

Does that make sense? Can both of those thoughts occupy the same space at the same time?

If a preschool aged child cannot “Succeed” in America’s society without a head start program, how can a Syrian refugee, who has seen nothing but hate and war their whole life hope to assimilate and thrive?

Maybe Senator Durbin should put his scale by the mirror. He needs to see his belly.

As Dire Straits wrote in the lyrics to Industrial Disease, “Two men say they’re Jesus, one of them must be wrong.”

Eugene Mattecheck Jr

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