Participating in this exercise means you will never eat lunch in LA, NYC or DC again. Some of the choices:



AS AMERICA CLOSES OUT WHAT IS ARGUABLY THE MOST DANGEROUS AND DESTRUCTIVE CHAPTER IN ITS HISTORY, we found a piece by Ed Straker in the American Thinker (excerpted below) to be a refreshing change of pace from the usual dystopian political analyses. Mr. Straker’s observations are refreshing also in that they illuminate what may well have been the most amusing aspect of the Obama years…lord knows there was very little else ‘amusing’ about this would-be dictator’s reign of unconstitutional ‘terror’.
The breathless reports on Michele Obama’s fashion sense, we believe, has been a secret source of comic relief and a striking symbol of elitist Beltway absurdity among ordinary Americans for the past 8 years.
While elitist fashion editors like Robin Givhan* of the Washington Post had ground-shaking orgasms over every “look” Ms. Obama introduced to the world, the millions of Americans who do not plan their lives around the style concoctions which come out of New York fashion salons were quietly chuckling over the weird creations Michele Obama chose to be seen in.
The Michele Obama “fashion collection”, in our humble opinion, can be best described as straight out of the wardrobes of such “trendsetters” as Emmett Kelly and Ronald MacDonald.
We believe WaPo’s Ms. Givhan would be “blown away” by this “creation” if FLOTUS chose it for her appearance at Friday’s Inauguration ceremony.
The pictured ensemble, we believe, would appropriately join some of Ms. Obama’s other pieces in her wardrobe…appropriately highlighting the First Lady’s “toned arms” media fashion critics have gushed over throughout “Her Highness’s” 8 year reign. ( “She used her bully pulpit to fight childhood obesity, and her signature style — those sleeveless dresses — served as a motivation for many woman who saw beauty, health, femininity and power in her sculpted arms.” Robin Givhan, 1/15/17)
By all means, explore the examples on display contained in the links herein.
Which of Michelle’s Obama’s Dresses was most Cringeworthy?
Michelle Obama’s choice of clothes has had an enormous impact on American and the world, the New York Times tells us.
Consider that for five and a half years there was a blog chronicling Mrs. Obama’s wardrobe choices, arguably the first devoted to the clothes of a political figure, and that when Mr. Obama wore a tan suit to a news conference it practically broke the internet (ditto when he eschewed a tie). Consider that Mrs. Obama’s effect on fashion brands was the subject of a study by a New York University professor in the Harvard Business Review entitled “How This First Lady Moves Markets.”
Especially in her husband’s second term, Mrs. Obama used her leverage and visibility not only to raise the profile of a host of local designers (the biggest struggle for a young designer, Mr. Wu said, is attention; she solved that), but also as argument against isolationism and in support of allies across the world. It was not happenstance that she wore a Gucci gown to the Kennedy Center Honors the same day Italy went to the polls to vote on a referendum widely viewed as a verdict on Matteo Renzi, the country’s now former reformist prime minister.
He lost that referendum; do you think Mrs. Obama picked the wrong dress?
Straker included a few pictures, some perhaps more arguable among our fashionista colleagues. The blog Leading Malaysian Neocon in its feature: Michelle Obama Bizarre Fashion Fails – 35+ in This Best of the Worst Collection has many more, in some ways making the choice easier.

We here at veritaspac are satisfied that a dress is a dress
Now in all this we do remember Nancy Reagan being skewered for her “lavish wardrobe tyle” by political elements of the left. They of course have been silent as regards Michelle O’s. As is their pattern they condemn in Republicans something they championed among their own . . . fawning over Jackie Kennedy as an elegantly clothed example of a First Lady, skewering Nancy as a an extravagant spendthrift, lavishing praise on Michelle O’ . . . and we bet they will be in Nancy R mode in full force with Melania T.
Madame Obama, soon to be former first lady and henceforth without quite the power to claim the extensive fashion portfolio with which she has been swathed for eight to ten years, can be seen in all her glory by referring to this link. Unless it was different pictures from the same occasion, we doubt any of these pictures show her wearing the same dress twice.
Veritas fashion editor DLH with R Mall
You forgot the tarmac shot.
Lime green pants with thong underwear showing through.