Prognosticating Trump (and the 2018 mid-terms)

Don’t hold us to it and claiming the right to “revise and extend remarks for the record,” as per Congress, the following are offered.

First up, contributing editor Eugene Mattecheck Jr.

“Having made a few lucky guesses about the November election, I’d like to make some new predictions.

“By July 4th: Supreme court will again have a 5-4 center-right majority. Dakota access pipeline complete, Keystone XL approved. Majority of Obama’s executive orders rescinded.

“Long term: Electoral college/popular vote debate goes nowhere. Liberals become more shrill, gratifying the faithful, while alienating moderates. ‘The Wall.’

“Comparisons will be made: Barack Obama to Jimmy Carter, Trump to Teddy Roosevelt, Hillary Clinton to 1969 Cubs.

“Time will judge my foresight. Or delusion.”

Back to the present: Russia/Trump collusion is a dead end. The travel ban will be reinstated by Supreme court. Obama/Rice surveillance proves illegal.

Ed. note: the above also appeared in today’s Dispatch/Argus, in essential form.


Later, at one of our lavish corporate editorial meetings, a discussion took place around the table as to sentiment about whether the GOP will pick up seats in the Senate as a result of the 2018 mid-term elections. The sentiment based on current politics (including implications of Democrat leadership changes calling for more radical politics from them) had a range of, arguably in the historical context of “traditional loses”, optimism. One vote for was “pick – up four’  the other two  “hold very close to current numbers.”   The later is still pessimistic as far as getting much done.

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