Mika after a bad night at Joe’s place

Today’s laffer — caught part of a Mika Brzerzinski eruption on MSNBC this morning:

The lovely and gracious Mz B was in the midst of a fiery “anti-all things Trump” rant (how unusual), which included her forceful admonition to CNN for allowing Kellyanne Conway to appear on their network. She suggested that CNN was embarrassing itself by having her on because…get this…Conway’s comments are “political porn”!!! and, of course should not be allowed on the air.

Now keep in mind, Mika and her sadsack new ‘beau’ and co-anchor, ‘Morning Joe’ Scarborough are on MSNBC…that’s where you can tune in to watch Reverend Al Sharpton or Rachel “Scoop”* Maddow.

When Mika talks of “political porn”, she knows well of what she speaks.


*So-called for her big and unintended revelation that Donald Trump paid a whole lotta taxes in 2005 ($38 million on $150 million income).


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