Vatican would see U.S. Paris deal exit as slap in face

“Sanchez Sorondo said he believed the U.S. oil lobby was behind the decision and that the industry had “manoeuvred” Trump.”

Why, of course, who else?)

(Bishop Sorondo is head of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, “which has hosted numerous international conferences on climate change”… at which no climate “deniers” were admitted! “Ain’t gonna allow them to ‘manoeuver” us!” )

Oh yes…and remember this from Il Papa’s encyclical:

“A simple example (of harmful habits of consumption) is the increasing use and power of air-conditioning,” Francis writes. “The markets, which immediately benefit from sales, stimulate ever greater demand. An outsider looking at our world would be amazed at such behavior, which at times appears self-destructive.”

His Holiness, relying on his “extensive background” in ‘science’ (he took chemistry in high school) and ‘economics’ (“liberation theology” version), rightfully (in his mind) deplores all those climate change “deniers” (heretics?) for their affection for air conditioning…just so those evil “markets” can make a profit!

To paraphrase another leader whom we admire:

We implore you, Pope Francis, tear down the Vatican’s air conditioning system!


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