The application of wise dueling standards…as dictated by the left

“Comedian” Kathy Griffin in a produced video with the intention of promoting it widely holds up a modeled severed head of Donald Trump to prop up her “comedy” act (somehow).  Senator Al Franken (a joke if there ever was one) like many on the left is embarrassed but not outraged.  Seems I remember the great outrage about denigrating Our Great Leader, B Hussein Obama.

From a blog column by Stuart Tarlowe:

“Al Franken (the genius!) inadvertently speaks the truth – about Kathy Griffin’s ‘apology'”

Golly, it sounds almost benign, like a mere Halloween prank. Certainly not like when “Tuffy” Gessling, a rodeo clown at the Missouri State Fair, donned a Barack Obama mask while performing. “Tuffy the Clown” was branded as “inappropriate”; “demeaning”; “insulting”; and, of course, “racist,” and he was banned from the fair for life! Kathy Griffin may now have been fired from a couple of gigs, but I bet she’ll soon be hosting Saturday Night Live.”


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